Thursday, August 22, 2013

Wave Crash

The good news and the bad news - the good news is that I think I'm on my way out of my slump that I've been for probably the last 5 days. Bad news is that I'm on my way out cause I hit bottom last night. To use Mars and Venus terminology, my wave crashed.

Dinner was done and I was in the bedroom doing the usual, watching tv while Natalie nursed (NOVA Making Stuff Stronger, pretty interesting, not that I understood much of it..."At 8:03, my brain exploded!"). All the kids, I thought, were out participating in the funeral services for our pet Twix who passed away on Tuesday. Well, they come in from the funeral, I tell them to get ready for bed, they tell me the toilet is clogged again (someone is using to much tp, can't find the culprit) and as I go out to fix the toilet, I notice there are little sparkling pieces of glitter here and there. I wasn't alarmed but I should have been. Before I got to unplugging the toilet, I happened to glance into the playroom, and that is where my crashing began. Glitter all over the floor. "ABI! LILY!" I then learned that most of the kids were outside burying Twix except for the 2 that I need to keep an eye on. Abi found the glitter which the older kids (said with an angry tone) had left out within the reach of little hands - they used it for fairy dust or something and sprinkled it on his grave during the eulogy.
So, Abi found it and took Lily with her into the one room of the house that I had cleaned after the kids got home, the play room, and they closed the door and proceeded to make glitter soup and have a glitter party with it. Luckily the older kids knew the drill of what to do when Mom is going to explode and they quickly helped clean up the mess.
Sophia, intrigued by the sparkly stuff on the floor, got down on her knees to get a better look. I'll let you know that that picture does NOT do the mess justice. I put Mel to task on the stairs as the glitter had been tracked all through the house from the back door through the kitchen (Hyrum was sweeping there) and up the stairs and into the bathroom, laundry room, and all of the bedrooms. I put Joseph to task trying to vacuum it off of Abi's sticky sweaty head (they were throwing it in the air and pouring it upon themselves).
And I'm thinking "WHY do I even BUY this stuff?!?!?!' I don't know why. Some sort of brain damage I have.
We had both the vacuums going, had the dyson do the first run through as a surface cleaner, then brought out the big guns and let Mr. Kirby finish cleaning up the stuff that was hiding.

After a half hour it was pretty cleaned up, although I'm sure I'll be seeing little sparkles on the floor here and there for the next week. I thanked the kids for helping and told them that I'm sure I'll laugh about it very soon. Then I told them how Joe and Mel made a big mess when they were little, playing with the laundry soap like it was sand. I broke out the old scrapbook from 2003 and showed them a picture. 
They got a good laugh from it and we were able to end the evening on a good note, I gave Abi and Lily a hug and I'm glad we're all still friends. So that was our evening last night, and now I'm going to go vacuum some more (found another pile of glitter by an air vent.) This too shall pass...

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