Monday, January 27, 2014

Happy Baby

Natalie was nicer to me on Saturday and yesterday and appears to have (thankfully) moved on to making different baby sounds. I think (hope) that she spent so much time working on her pterodactyl/bird imitation, that she feels she has now perfected it and it's time to try something new, so she's traded in her macaw screech for a little short coo sound. She'll look at us and then do a quiet little "eah!" sound/squeek, then do that over and over again. Much much more pleasant and endurable to listen to for hours on end. So fun to learn new things, huh Natale!
Yes, it makes us all happy! She is starting to get upset with us if we place her in her exersaucer thing - she knows it means we're trying to get rid of her. It's not that, Natalie, it's just that we are trying to keep up with our lives, and as much as we all wish we could just kiss your face and squeeze your legs all the day long, the kids have homework and I have food to prepare and a house to clean. Maybe you could help us out and just stay little?
The dirty dishes aren't going anywhere, but this baby is growing way too fast. So, ok, come here Natalie, lets go cuddle.

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