Thursday, February 13, 2014

Valentine Party

Our plan is to have our February party tomorrow on Valentine's Day. Should be fun. I have most everything bought and ready, but I don't know how I can make and cook everything without the older kids home to help and with the little girls underfoot. We'll see how it goes, we might push it to Saturday.

~ Oh, good news! Mel just clued me in that she and Joseph don't have school tomorrow! So it's a go! (Yeah, I should probably know that kind of stuff before the day before...)

Few other randoms:
- Corey made some Rhodes orange rolls for breakfast this morning. Lily and Sophi finished them off. But Lily informed us that she doesn't like the "bread" part. Sorry Lilers, but you should probably have some bread with your icing!
- It's fun to have little treats double as decorations ~ Have some candies in a jar by the W's new home on the bookshelf here.
- My jewelry board is nearing completion. Painted it yesterday. :)
- I need to hurry and finish the rest of the decor balls pronto, cause the children are on a seek and destroy mission. Just found another ball in pieces under the couch today, which I had to then try to fit then hot glue back together.
I guess they like making 3D soccer ball puzzles for me. Silly kids.

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