Friday, March 21, 2014

Norman Rockwell

Ahh, the wax museum. The day of the 3rd grade Wax Museum is one that lives in many childhood memories. I think so atleast, but I don't know by experience cause we didn't do the wax museum when I was in 3rd grade. Wesley chose to be Normal Rockwell.
Wes is such a cutie. (Oh, he's here hovering over me reading this and just informed me that he doesn't like being called "cutie" or "cute"....) Wes is such a good kid. ("That's better.")
He wasn't being a very good wax statue though...  When we passed by him, the irresistable Natalie made him move as he tried to get her to say "ba-ba-ba-ba!" for him.
Wes is aspiring to be a future artist.
I can't find pictures of the other kids' wax museum experiences, cause they are on film negatives from my previous life before digital when I scrapbooked a little bit. But I can't find the prints, I gotta figure out how to archive and retrieve pictures from 1999-2007... so I don't have those scrapbooked yet. But, for the record, Joseph was Mitt Romney in 2008, since we liked him after his first run for President. Melodie was Sacagawea, along with almost all the other girls in her grade. Apparently Sacagawea is like the only great American that was a woman? Wait, there were a few Betsie Ross's and Amelia Earheats. Anyway, that was Mel in 2009, and then poor Ethan missed his cause we were in Chile. He was sad about it at the time, but this morning he was saying how happy he was that he missed it and didn't have to stand still for so long. And then Hyrum got documented and he was Abraham Lincoln. Fun elementary school memories. 

1 comment:

  1. Fun Fun! I was Annie Oakley in the 3rd grade wax museum. I even brought my dad's .22 rifle. Shows how the world has changed.
