Monday, May 26, 2014

Ethan's Dream

Yesterday, we were driving in the car to my lil' brother's house. Since it was the Sabbath, I told the kids their listening options during the drive were: Conference (Oct 1991 on tape, I love Elder Packer's talk and have got it on repeat) Screwtape letters (still in car from CA trip) or Hillary Weeks "He Hears Me" (lovely music that always transports me back in time to my mission in Arizona.) Joseph was sitting in front, and he chose Screwtape. I don't think the other kids were paying attention, so Screwtape won. And he and I started laughing because of Ethan and were remembering this story.

On a normal Monday, I was taking Ethan to his band practice in American Fork. He was tired. We had the radio on, but once he was napping and not paying attention, I decided to switch it to Screwtape because I wanted to be in a more ponderous mood since I was going to go see Sacred Gifts again. Ethan was totally out of it. When we were almost at the music studio, I turned off the Screwtape book on tape and woke him up. He looked like he really had a major power nap and was struggling to wake himself up. After some effort, he started to come to and blinked his eyes and stretched and as he tired-ly picked up his sax case, and as he shuffled out of the car, he said "I just had the weirdest dream... This bald guy was sitting on a bench, and he just kept talking and TALKING and he wouldn't shut up!..." then he closed the door and walked away. And I laughed and chuckled my way to the museum cause Ethan was so funny to depart that way making a comment about my cd. It does sound like some bald guy rambling on.

When I picked him up, he was fully awake and told me again that he had been having a really weird dream right before I dropped him off (as if he didn't remember that he had already told me about his weird dream, cause he was so tired he didn't remember?) So he told me again, of this weird looking little fat guy who was sitting on a bench, and everything was all white around him except for him on his bench, and he kept talking and talking and Ethan wanted him to be quiet but he was trying to get away but this dude just kept talking and talking!!! Now, I thought Ethan knew that it was my cd, but as he was here revealing this information to me again, I thought he was just being silly and telling me in this joking way that he doesn't like my audio book. But as he went off about this weird dream, I decided to play along and asked "Did he sound like ... THIS!" and I turned on the cd again. Ethan's jaw dropped and his eyes went wide with amazement "WHAT?!?" he said as he looked at the car's cd player, then he yelled "THAT'S the guy!!! That's the guy from my dream!" So he's thinking that it is so freaky that I've got a cd with the exact same voice as the guy that was in his dream and I just laughed harder, cause now it was even funnier that he wasn't joking with me, he was totally serious - he didn't know what was going on with his dream when I dropped him off. I told him that after he fell asleep, I turned off the radio and turned on the Screwtape cd, and he detailed his dream more "I was dreaming about something else, I can't remember, but then it stopped and it all went white and then this guy showed up on a bench and just began talking and talking!!!" and we were both laughing at how the surrounding in the car changed what he was dreaming about during his nap, funny to play a trick that like on him. I admit that the guy that they chose to do the audio recording of the Screwtape letters is a guy with a rather "devilish" sounding wicked voice (Joss Ackland) I'll have to show Ethan Joss' picture, cause that would be weird if Ethan got the visual image of the guy right, that really would have been a magic trick by his brain all of it's own! Anyway, I told everyone the story at dinner that night and we got a good laugh. Ethan is a good kid. We miss you Ethan! Hope you're having fun in Brazil with dad! (Here's an old picture from 2006 of Ethan Skyping with his grandparents when we lived in Virginia.)
Ok, and these pictures of my little 4 year old Ethan too, what a cutie... do you like your breakfast? No?
Oatmeal bad, oatmeal good!
Miss you buddy!

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