Saturday, July 5, 2014

Holiday Weekend

We had a great holiday weekend. It started off with the 4th of July Fun Run, Joseph got 2nd place. Watch out for him next year... I got like 5th among the women. Maybe I'll try for next year too.
followed by a delicious American breakfast. No, not cereal.
Then we watched the community parade. I had Wes and the 4 little girls to watch. They did great and I wasn't stressed out at all! Go USA!
Corey and the other kids were playing in the band in the parade! Natalie's ready to clap for them as they float by...
Go Granite band! So they went through the parade and then performed again at the carnival. After the parade I was going to go pick them up, ...but Corey had the keys. So my options were: walk a half mile down to the carnival with 5 kids. No. Walk a half mile home with 5 kids. No. Wait for Corey to come back. Yes. So we waited for like a half hour in the warm July sun then we moved into the less warm shade and chit-chatted with neighbors and it was a perfect Summer day. Corey eventually came, then we went home and took a nap.

Then we went to Holladay for a great firework show and Peter Breinholt in concert, so fun! We had a picnic, played games with cousins. And Sophi put handful after handful of red dirt from the baseball diamond onto her head. Nice!
The firework show was awesome!!! Works out much better since we live in the "fireworks prohibited" area of the valley. Did you like the show Hyrum?
Natalie did. Sophi and Natalie did great, they just needed to be snuggled.
Then today we went over to Corey's parent's house to watch the World Cup, Costa Rica vs. Netherlands. I think we have a future soccer player in the family She can't walk well yet, but she's not letting that small detail slow down her game, Go Natalie! Go Natalie!!!
This is what Natalie does when you tell her to focus on the ball:
The game went overtime and then to penalty kicks. Costa Rica lost, but they did good and had a ton of lucky breaks. Would have been fun if they won, but still fun to watch. Ethan doesn't like the Netherlands now, he thinks they flop a bit much and took cheap shots hitting and pushing our Tico brothers. I could get into this soccer thing, but probably shouldn't, cause I've already got more than I can do... So then at 5:30 we were headed up to the mountains to our friend's cabin, we love our neighborhood friends. Friendship is even more enjoyable in nature :) 
It's fun to see it now with all the snow gone. Natalie liked the rocks. Life is good.

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