Thursday, July 3, 2014

The Dahls

Yesterday we went on a short hike with some of our favorite people that are in town for the holiday - the Dahls from Oregon. Jeff and Amber have an amazingly beautiful family with 7 great kids and we love them!
We went to Millcreek canyon for a short hike along Rattlesnake Gulch (didn't tell Abi the name of the trail)
and before we started the hike, when we saw them pulling into the parking lot in their van, I nodded my head with awed approval and thought to myself "That's how it's supposed to be done!" Road trip in a nice big spacious Sprinter van. I've had an eye on these vans. Not in the budget right now, but someday. I looked at Corey and said "A SPRINTER VAN!!" and he said (to humor me) "I have van envy." He doesn't want a big van like this, but really, for road trips? Come on, honey, you gotta admit that this would just be great, right?!?! Like Ethan could stand up inside of there! And think about it ~ no more two car road trips or farming out kids into other vehicles. Yes, the Sprinter van is the way is should/shall/will be done! Someday... I'll call Jeff to talk Corey into it.
So we did a short hike, then I had to go pick up Joseph from his band carpool and take Melodie to a birthday party, and by the time I was almost back for roasting s'mores, they were off the mountain and loaded into the cars to head back to our place. So we all had a party here and it was great. Our kids taught their kids how to do their version of the Ninja obstacles, we had a bbq and watermelon lemonade (and that pink concoction tasted soooo good at the end of this hot and sweaty day!) and the kids played with Legos and became good friends, and we all just had a lovely evening.
Before they headed out, the kids broke out their saxs for a quick show, and their son brought out his French Horn.
We love the Dahls. It's our turn next! ~ up to Oregon we will go next year in our own Sprinter van!
I hereby type it forth to the universe to help make it happen! (Come on Corey, you know you want one!)

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