Saturday, August 30, 2014


I should have prepared myself for this moment, cause deep down I feared/knew it was bound to happen. I loved Sophi's hair and loved seeing her big brown eyes peek through her pretty long hair, so it was inevitable that it had to be ruined and destroyed. Sophia came down for breakfast and when I saw her, my heart sank. A quick "WHAT HAPPENED?!?!?!?" question and a little bit of motherly foreknowledge led me to know what had transpired.

Lily gave Sophi a haircut last night.
It was Friday night and, although my date was out of the country, the kids still wanted Corey and I to have our "date night". So we counted the skype conversation that we had had earlier as our date, but the kids still needed the movie part. So after we read scriptures and said a family prayer, I put Natalie to bed (knowing I'd fall asleep in the process) and left them all up to watch Harry Potter. This morning, when my pretty little Sophia came down, I discovered the deed that was performed wilst I slept. I started to throw a trantrum and yell "WHYYYYYYY?!?!?" to the ceiling. I slapped my hands on the walls within reach (I had to hit something) which woke up the children that were still sleeping because of their late night movie watching. They stumbled out of their rooms asking as to the cause of their mother's weeping and wailing. Actually I didn't weep. I wanted to, but I was too mad to cry. I confronted Lily. Her countenance revealed her guilt. I looked in their room and around for where the clumps of hair were and couldn't find them. "WHERE DID YOU CUT HER HAIR?!" Lily showed me into the laundry room. I call Corey so I can vent to someone. And I grabbed the camera.
Sophi has short short short buzz like bangs now and some layers on the side.
When Lily explained why she did it, she said she was trying to help Sophia to be able to see without her hair getting in the way.
And I think her cutting did indeed fix that problem. I liked it better when I could braid it back. No more braids or pulling it back. I think it's just gonna be little clips in front for the forseeable future.
It's bad. But could be worse, and I've seen worse. Lily's self haircut a year ago was not redeemable. It all had to be cut all the way around. This was just cut from the front... yes, we might be able to work with this until it grows out... maybe?
(sigh.) So sad. I had a bad dream a few months ago that Lily had cut Sophia's hair. My dreams have come true. Not the worst thing that has ever happened to anyone. We'll survive, but I am still sad. Same kinda sad as when deer eat the roses. Life will go on, but "I so mad" ~ a combination of "mad" at 5:11 and disbelief at 6:35... sigh.

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