Monday, September 1, 2014


I put Natalie down for a nap today without letting her nurse herself to sleep. I let her cry. Time to break this girl. I probably would have been a softy if it weren't for the fact that she kept me up most of the night as she snacked. No more of this nonsense, Natalie. You are almost 14 months old. Time to grow up, or atleast get a new hobby... So, she was fussy and wanting to be held constantly, I knew she was tired, so I just put her in the crib. I left her to go supervise Labor Day chores and help the girls put their room back together (painted their dresser over the weekend, yay!) When I couldn't hear her crying anymore, went in to check on her. Once I let her cry herself to sleep at night and after she stopped crying and I thought she was asleep, I went to see her and she had fallen asleep standing (legs locked) and with a firm grasp on the sides of the crib. I went in expecting to see something similar and I did. Folded over forward this time.
Can't be very comfortable...
I brought in the kids to see and we all got a laugh at how cute she is. Poor little thing, it's tough growing up.
I helped her to lay back on the pillow and after a brief wimper she was back asleep.
Day one of "You should go down for a nap" a success! I think we'll try it again tomorrow. As long as I'm busy doing chores and have Imagine Dragons blasting it makes it easier for me to not give in to her crying. Love you Natalie! Sorry to make you grow up, but there is no escaping it, we might as well face it.

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