Friday, September 19, 2014

Stress Case

Natalie has many nicknames. "Little Monster" is one, "Sweetness" is another. "Stress Case" is also one I use frequently on days like today, when she doesn't let me get anything done.
Well, atleast not without great endurance on my part. I did finally make my bed today around 5 pm (first time this week, woot!) Hyrum saved the day and was helping me clean (he saved my life). To accomplish the bed making task, I had to do it with this little crybaby who had a firm grasp on my pants...
After her 3 minutes of torture from not being held by me, I picked her up. And look at that, voila! She's totally fine!
Amazing. A few crocodile tears still fresh on her cheeks and thassit. And I'm resigned once again to be a perch. Or we'll take a sit on the couch where I'll be her throne. I haven't gotten a thing done. Nothing off of my to-do list! (except blogging for a second here since I can usually have a moment to myself if it's after midnight). There is a Mormon Messages video being shared on facebook called "You Never Know" ~ a little 8+ minute video of a mom doing the stuff most moms usually do: trying to survive all the last minute emergencies that come up on during the day while also trying to get a few things done. In the video, all the un-planned for things end up making her miss the one thing she was most looking forward to - getting together briefly with a cousin during a layover. It is a lot like the life of many mothers, including me, complete with our own last minute science fair. Another difference: I wouldn't have been able to whip up a meal for a neighbor that quickly. ...and my friends would have texted or called first I think. ...and even if they didn't, it'd be okay cause I'm never on my way out the door. (I usually avoid leaving the house with children at all costs.) And instead of getting together with a BFF, it's "Autumn" on my calendar. We didn't make it out last year cause I had a newborn. This year, I gotta do it. Emergencies may arise, but I'm gotta make it out! I'm gonna leave the house, with kids! I may have to bring a few stress case kids along, and there may be emergencies that come up, but if I put it on my to-do list early enough in the day, we still should be able to make it out before the sun sets. Heading to bed now, going to make it happen tomorrow. I'm gonna leave the house with kids and we're going to see part of the pretty world. I'll even let my little hip accessory come along (that means you Natalie!)

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