Tuesday, September 2, 2014


This was my labor day weekend project: finish the girls' dresser. It has been half painted for several months... I painted the drawers and handles in January, but the top of it has been in major need of a refinish for a while. It had lots of art work on the top of it done by little girls. It's been bugging me and Melodie, but when to find the time to empty all the clothes and leave the room in shambles? How about a holiday weekend with hubby out of town? Yes, perfect time! Joseph was around on Saturday to help me with the lifting to take it outside. We were able to get it painted and coated and let it dry in the garage over two nights. I put it all back together yesterday and it's given the room a fresh new look. So much better. I put two coats of polyurethane on the top to keep future scribblings off of it (hopefully!) Mel and I are both very happy with the result. :)
Pretty and shiny and white! Like!
And I made this a while ago (my little version of this jewelry board idea, I was going to do a big thing like that for me but then decided to admit the truth, that I don't have or want/need that much jewelry) ~ so we just painted a frame and stapled in some chicken wire for Mel's earrings and necklaces.
I finished putting everything away today.
So nice, and I've warned the big girls to not leave stuff around for the little girls (like blue construction paper that got a cup of water poured on it and dyed the to blue before...)

On another note, Natalie was TERRIBLE today. She's getting me back for leaving her to cry during naptime. I was going to force naptime again today, but I decided to run a birthday prep errand and take my chances that she'd stay awake. She didn't. She fell asleep less than 3 minutes into the drive. I knew I did not want to go to the store with a tired and terrible toddler in the cart, so we went back home. I put Natalie in her crib and gave Sophi a bowl of ice cream. I worked a little more on the girl's bedroom and then ran my errand after the Jr. High kids got home. Birthday party tomorrow! :)

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