Monday, November 24, 2014

Kids Town Is Back!

Well, it has returned! For it's third year in a row, we have Kids Town back in business in our basement, just like every year in November after the first snowfall. Here are the Kids Towns of 20122013
Here's Lily's costume shop. I loved her mannequins! ...and I thought the viking hat was super cute with the purple dress.
Wesley, of course, has an art shop.
 Ethan, of course, is Mayor. Hyrum is the mayor assistant.
The town marquee announcing the great event.
City Hall:
This year they made a daycare, and Sophi loves it. She sat in that little house reading and loving having her own space.
 Ethan ran up to get me, cause I HAD to get a picture of Sophi "she is being so cute!"
Fun stuff. The kids were in the basement all weekend. It was so quiet upstairs, anyone who was upstairs kept asking "Where is everybody?" Why, they're in Kids Town of course!!
They're also recruiting all the neighbor kids to come over and open an establishment. We might run out of tables, but they are having lots of fun, we'll see how long it lasts this year!

1 comment:

  1. Such a fantastic idea! I love it! Do they take turns being Mayor??
