Thursday, January 8, 2015

10 Week Appointment

I had my first OB visit today with this pregnancy. Good thing is that they did a quick whatever with an ultrasound machine and I was able to see if we were having twins or not. And we not, but I was starting to wonder... cause the kids keep talking about it, and cause Joseph had a dream that we had twins before we even told him we were pregnant, and also cause I feel like I'm already big and showing... I'd love to get 2 kids for 1 pregnancy, but I've heard twins can turn things on their heads, and we're already kinda on our heads around here. Anyway, so it's no twins. My great weight gain could be because I haven't had the I'm on my death bed morning sickness this time and thus haven't lost 10 pounds. I never liked feeling sick, but did enjoy being skinny for a week after the morning sickness was over and before the "eating for two" diet began in it's fury.

Ok, so that was the good unknown thing to find out at this visit. The bad thing about it, like all dr. visits, is that I just have a deep dislike for them. I'm trying to get the guts up to be a difficult patient and give my "I've been a frequent customer" demands, such as not wanting to come in every 4 weeks. I don't want to play the game this time, please? I know the routine, I know what to look for, I know how I feel, plus I've got the Spirit to guide me... how bout I just call you if I have any concerns, and if I don't, well hey, we'll just see you in July and we'll talk then! Sigh, but as much as I'd like to be difficult, I'm not. I just go along with it and sit there... forever... everytime. These first world problems!! My appointment was at 11:15, I got there at 11:10, I didn't see the dr. until 12:25. Maybe it's just the nature of OB visits, but the office was not busy at all, I saw 3 other patients besides myself, and I about pulled my hair out from being stir crazy...
And was going a little nuts trying to keep Natalie happy and quietly entertained for an hour in an exam room...
We ripped the paper...
blowed klennex tissues in the air, tried to find doggies in the women's magazines (not a lot of dogs in those) scrolled through pictures on my phone, and I tried to keep her out of the sterilized supplies in the drawers and off of the computer... 
for an hour.... I'm going to go one more time, and give OB appointments one more chance at next month's 14 week visit, but if I'm waiting around for an hour again, "it's over" - says the hard liner side of me. Well, I'll go back for the 18 week ultrasound, and then I'm playing the reschedule game and am going to push those things as far apart as possible. Having a legitimate excuse to miss OB appointments is a pro in the "should we go to Brazil" column.

So that was my dr. visit. Then later was my second trip to America's best with Melodie. I'm going to have to make a third trip tomorrow, cause only Mel was able to go today cause Ethan had to stay after school to work with a fellow student on their science project. Mel can't do it tomorrow cause she has flute lessons, so I just took her today rather than wait until Saturday, cause I thought Saturday would be a little busy, and thus cause longer wait times. So for today, it was much the same as yesterday ~ she read her letters, the "puff" test made me laugh cause it seems like such torture to them, and here's Mel with her WALL-E eyes~
Natalie fell asleep on the drive there and slept through most of the exam which was helpful. She woke up near the end and tried on some cute frames, she's our little doll that we dress up and play with.

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