Friday, January 9, 2015

Happy 15th Joseph

Happy Birthday Joseph. I like this kid. We woke up this morning to a normal morning. Actually it's a bit messier than normal cause we're still looking like the night of the living dead house around here. Abi went to school today, but Hyrum's still got a cough so he stayed home one more time. I think he could have gone and told him so, but whatever. Then I told him I don't want to hear weeping and wailing about all the homework he has to catch up on when he goes back on Monday.

So, this morning, Joseph's happy birthday... I didn't decorate cause Natalie was a little difficult last night and this morning and never let me sneak away... so I apologized to Joseph for not decorating the window and he was cool with it. I also didn't get him any presents, cause I don't know what he wants, so I gave him cash in small bills. Didn't top Ethan though - he gave Joseph a million dollar bill! Can't beat that. And this personalized card.
The kids are getting to be so funny and good goofy friends to each other, if you couldn't tell. I love it.

I'll update with more pictures later. :)

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