Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Author Abi

Abi's been writing up a storm lately (goes through a ton of paper, I have to hide it from her now cause we're on our last ream and she could breeze through that like it was nothing). The following three creations are all from last night. First she cleaned the house while I took Hyrum to band. I told her that if it was clean, I'd bring back a treat. When I got back, I found a clean house and this note - 
"Her is a klen hase. love Abi and Jules and Lily. we will klen sumor kus I love klen! cus I wont a tret to nite."

Proper English translation ~ "Here is a clean house. Love Abi and Jules (Abi's friend and our neighbor) and Lily. We will clean some more cause I love clean! Cause I want a treat tonight."
She also made this one - she was just being creative and made a little temple thing on a paper and said "The templ is holy i have den to the templ wons i liket it decus i gon a cucy it tas god her is the templ.
Translation ~ "The temple is holy. I have been to the temple once. I liked it because I got a cookie. (It was at the Bountiful Temple Open House, I told her they don't always give out cookies) It taste good. Here is the temple.

 I love it Abi. Keep it going. And she wrote in her journal this morning too, unfortunately Lily cut it up before I could save it for her scrapbook.
Translation is "Last night I had a doughnut. It taste good. I fell asleep on the couch and when I woke up I saw my brothers and sisters. Went to school and it was dark. My mom and Dad was there too. And last night I went to school. On Sunday I went to my Grandmas house. I got a new bracelet. And today I am going to school
Abi, you're a good little writer. Keep up the good work! The spelling will come with time :)