Monday, February 2, 2015

Out to Dinner with Family

We had a rare treat last Saturday night - we got together with my family! And it was a very rare and special treat because we got together without the kids and so we all had lots of time to visit and laugh, it was so fun! We tried to get together over Christmas but didn't get all the Utah siblings together cause they had other family in town and orthodontist appointments. It gets harder and harder each year cause we're such a big and busy group. But we decided to try for an "adults go out to eat" on a weekend in January, and after 20 emails of "what days work for you" we finally found one date without soccer tournaments or traveling taking one of us away. So Jan. 31st was the day and we all went out to Mimi's Cafe in Sandy. Mom and Dad treated us, so nice. Jared and Jerusha's kids babysat Grant's and Neil's kids. We were in a side room and weren't totally by ourselves, but it was private enough that we all could all see each other and hear each other and it was just great. Someday it will be nice to have the Indiana and Texas siblings here. The last time we were all together was when Beka got married in 2011, and that was still missing one in-law. Ya do what you can. 

Anyway, great visit. Lots of laughing as Neil and Amy remembered the 3 and a half years they lived with my mom's parents. Neil's perfected his Louie Jean impression. And he broke his collar bone and so he rubs it just like she always rubbed hers, so funny. What else did we laugh about? We started dinner at 6 and were there until 8:45. This was the only picture I got that turned out at all. Stephanie took one though, I'll try to get a copy of it.
Good times, I love my family!