Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Wes' Braces

Here we go! Are you ready Wes? He's all smiles.
Actually he's had butterflies in his stomach for the past 24+ hours. He was excited to get out of class, and everyone knew when he was going and wished him luck. He'll be back soon with a new look!

I was going back and forth checking on Wes and checking on the girls watching a movie in the lobby. When I returned he was standing at the sink rinsing out his mouth - brackets are on! Time for the wire.
And an hour later he's all done. He got a coupon for a cheeseburger and fries so we picked that up for him to take back to school for lunch. He got blue and green braces, you look great buddy!
You know your siblings are going to be totally jealous, atleast I know Ethan already is, that silly boy. Try not to rub it in his face too much.