Thursday, February 26, 2015

Sophi Needs Glasses

Just over a week ago, I noticed something as Sophi looked at me across the room. She seemed to be struggling to focus... I looked at her more carefully and yes, one of her eyes was starting to wander... And you know what that is a sign for. Yup, time to get this little girl to an eye doctor. You have to be atleast 6 or 7 at most eye exam places, so I have to call a pediatric ophthalmologist. Unfortunately, I learned, there are only 7 of them in the whole state of Utah, so they get booked up a few months out. They could see Sophi in April, but that's not going to work cause we're going to be in Brazil til July. I've called a few times to see if there are any cancellations before March 23rd, but there haven't been, and they don't keep a list for cancellations, so we're just out of luck for now. So, I feel bad that her vision will be suffering and I can't help her until July, but maybe we'll be able to see an eye doctor in Brazil. We'll see.
Sophi has such pretty eyes, and I like her little bangs too. They've grown out very well since Lily's gave her a haircut in August. So now I need to decide: Do I keep them trimmed or have her grow them out? Questions, questions.

I also learned a new word recently that relates to my angel child Sophi, cause she has started to become a little prickly and have an attitude. She's not 2 anymore, so it's not the "terrible twos" and she's not yet 4, so it's not the "feisty fours" that usually rear their ugly head around here. What do you call a feisty three year old? Well an article popped up on my facebook that had the answer - she's a "threenager"! How have I not heard "threenager" before?!? When I saw the title of this article, I was excited to find a name for the change in behavior, and very happy that it had a few tips for how to cope with a threenager. I've being more quick to give her hugs and kisses first thing, and it's helped a little.
One more thing on Sophi (cause I know I need to document the other kids more and not just blog about our Natalie obsession all the time...) ~ she's been coloring a lot lately. It's cute, even if she does color all over Abi's homework~
Or Melodie's planner~
Yes, it's best when she just uses regular paper.
Melodie was watching her draw on that paper and called us over to see the little face Sophi made.
We thought it looked a bit like Olaf. Cute, she's a little artist. Here's the smiley faces she did a year and a half ago - this one is just as cute. I bet she would have progressed more with her drawings if I was still drawing smiley faces for her all day long. But it's fun to see her getting into it again. She also gets lost in games with her "Aaah" toys ("Aaah" is "Ariel" from little mermaid, cause she sings "Ahh aahh Aaahhhhhh ahh aahh Aaahhhhhh...") Luckily we have lots of Aaah toys, from lego size, to Fisher Price little people size, to barbie, to the big dolls they got for Christmas. Abi led Lily and Sophi in a game with their big dolls over the weekend, I'll try to get a picture of that. It's cute.