Thursday, February 5, 2015

Ten Visas

Every now and then for the past few months, Corey and I will talk about what the chances are, percentage wise, that we'll be going to Brazil. It's been below 40% for most of the time since he began toying with the idea in October. Today it jumped up to 90%. Last week Corey bought plane tickets for him and Melodie to go down in April for when Movie Mouth has a few hotel events. They were going to have a lot of fun together. But now all of Mel's fun has been squashed cause we might be joining them. He cancelled their tickets today and is trying to get up the guts to "strike the bell" again as he fights the typical jitters that come before every big decision like this. So, he's been trying to keep busy doing other stuff in possible preparation. Yesterday morning all the kids signed their visa papers, he printed up 10 copies of itineraries, 10 copies of letters stating why we want visas, with 10 birth certificates and 10 passports in the respective piles for each person (me and 9 kids, Corey's already got his visa)
So that's what Corey spent the better part of yesterday working on. It's quite a process, cause as he noticed once again "We got a lot of kids..."
And so I guess we'll see what happens! Corey did say (and this was part of our thinking when we went to Costa Rica) that it seems like when you have the choice between doing something or not doing something, you should do something! So I'll keep you posted, cause it looks like it might happen.

----- BREAKING NEWS!! -----
This just in! (via a quick Skype chat at 6:03) 
Corey's bought airfare for us to go to Brazil. 
Plans are to go to Florida first, where they have a direct flight to Campinas.
So to Florida on March 23, Campinas on the 27th. 

We're gonna do something! Fun!