Monday, March 16, 2015

Lucky Dinner

Yesterday we had our family dinner for March. (I've been trying to un-emphasize the word "party" in regards to these little family events, cause the word "party" brings too high of expectations to these little minds...)
So yes, it's was our "Irish themed family dinner". So we set the table with fancy green napkins and a runner and put out the pretty tumblers ~ I put a cucumber clover on each plate ~ and we prepared corned beef, Irish lamb stew, and spinach ravioli. The desserts were a bowl of pistachios, a "pot of gold" (dried mangos - everyone's favorite, those went fast), shamrock shortbreak cookies, and a green frosted cake. And that was that!
With the "party" done, I took down the streamers first thing this morning and now we're really in full swing to get ready for Brazil, which is one week away now. My anemia appears to be gone thankfully - been taking two iron pills a day so I guess my iron levels are up (or I've adjusted to daylight saving time) cause I've got my energy back, yay! Just in time, cause I need it now, we're on the final countdown. I got a lot of work done around the house. Hoping for more of the same tomorrow.