Monday, May 16, 2016

21 Weeks

Well, this pregnancy is officially half way done. I guess it was last week, since I intend on being induced at 39 weeks. Being induced is just how I cope with pregnancy. I was overdue 9 days with Joseph and that was terrible. Having an end in sight is wonderful. So, if all goes according to plan, September 19th will be the day we meet this new little boy.

I've been doing pretty good. I still long for the good ol' days of Hyrum's pregnancy. That was my best one, weight gain wise. I exercised everyday and was on the ball with my Marilu lifestyle that had helped me finally lose weight after 3 quick pregnancies. It might have helped to not have any kids in school back then, thus my mornings belonged to me. I got derailed from that when we moved to BYU for Business school in '04 and have never quite been able to get back on. (Plus part of me thinks it's wrong to not be able to eat fruit and nuts together, cause really - dates and pecans?! Walnuts and raisins?! Those two foods taste so good together, they just have to have been meant to be eaten together! So that is where I fall off the mental tracks with that lifestyle...) And this pregnancy is pretty close to Owen's - they'll be 14 months apart. Not a lot of time for my body to bounce back. I didn't lose my plethora of pregnancy pounds after his birth - which I blame on 1) his not nursing and drinking all these pounds off of me (my colicky/starving baby wasn't happy with my milk production and ditched me for the bottle) and 2) on his not sleeping through the night (still not regular with that), which left me pretty tired and energy drained which contributed to me not having a desire to exercise and craving carbs. I guess I also blame it on the lack of morning sickness in Owen's and this pregnancy - that always helped me lose 10 pounds. But the magnesium miracle was necessary - so no 10 pound drop in weight but I was able to function. It's a fair trade. It would be perfect if I could just get my hormones and cravings under control.
I recently got the book "It Starts With Food" and am slowly reading that. I'm hoping knowing the WHY and HOW behind my sugar dragon and how sugary carbs mess with my brain will help me be mentally on the ball and be determined with the WHAT I need to DO. I already weigh what I did when I delivered Hyrum (like I said, that was my best pregnancy) but I still have another 18 weeks go to. Hoping to not gain 20 pounds, but also want to not let the scale determine how I feel, something else Whole30 can help me with if I let it. I have put away the scale and don't weigh myself everyday like I used to. Anyway. I think carbs also leave me with a cotton mouth, which I didn't have for the few weeks of Whole30 but which I do have again and it's particularly bad after eating bread or cereal or treats. I really want to see if eating Whole30 can fix it, so hopefully I'll get mentally centered and will be able to do a little experiment with myself and see if I can keep my tongue happy.