Friday, May 13, 2016

Family Pictures 2016

Here they are! Huge thank you to Rochelle at Pointe Digital Photography who has done our family photos the past few years - 2012, 2014. She does such a great job! She messaged me around 11 pm last night that they were done, and then I was late going to bed cause I just had to see them. They all look great! Here are a few of the group shots:
I admit I was trying to hide my pregnant tummy in most of the pictures if I could. "Come here, kid, someone get in front of me!" Although since I have spent over 10 years of my life expecting, perhaps it is appropriate for it to be recorded for posterity.
And here are my favorite of the individual shots - if I were to try to narrow it down to one picture each. We'll start with little Owen!
Ok, I couldn't narrow his down. He was an unhappy camper most of the time, but we got lucky for a few seconds and luckily the camera was ready, isn't he adorable? I love baby smiles
Natalie is just a beautiful little girl! 
Sweet Sophia 
Abigail, growing up!
Wesley, good looking kid
 Hyrum, fine young man
My pretty girls ~
And with their dad - how it should be. Do you like Natalie's heels? She was a pretty good rock climber in those!
My handsome boys
And a few of all the kids together
My little ducks, all in a row. (Owen was sad) 
 Love these kids!
The only note to self is for me to get the anti-glare on the kid's glasses next time. We're due for glasses after school is out, so not too far out, I should be able to remember. :)