Friday, July 15, 2016

On a Jet Plane

Well, today Joseph headed off for the British Isles. He's got a tour with his band, The Inevitables, and will be gone for over two weeks. He gets back on the 31st, which is when we head up for a week in Park City with Corey's family. And after Park City, it's just a week and a half until school starts!! Is the summer already over? I'm not ready for another school year, it's all going to quickly. (Life with these children, that is, not the pregnancy.) No need to worry Tiff, we'll cross that bridge when we get there. Ok, so, yeah, Joseph's left on tour. He's flying high in the air right now. Corey dropped him off a the airport at 8:30, his flight left at 11.  
He said he'll text us some pics now and then. I told him he should see, during his free time one day (although he won't really have much free time), if he can go around Stockport and look for some Hibbert ancestor sites. I still gotta ask my dad and find any that Joseph could try to visit. Fun though, I've never been to England. I think Joseph is the most well traveled kid in our family, and if you throw Corey and I in the mix, he's right behind Corey. Kinda fun, have a great time Joseph!