Monday, July 18, 2016

Growing Up

Owen is doing some early training to help him be ready to be a teenager. He likes to throw a baby fit until Ethan hands over his phone and then Owen intently holds it, just like he sees them doing.
Yep Owen, that's how you do it. Put you little thumbs on the screen and touch it as your eyes glaze over and you go into a trance, oblivious to any conversations going on or other people in the room. That's step 1 to being a proper 21st century teen.
Seeing those little hands holding the all important smart phone, the eyes gazing down with great focus, funny little man... we all thought it was pretty darn cute. But as I've said before, anything Owen does is cute.
He's also been walking up a storm. He's pretty much on the loose now, it's fun.

Another note, from that video there, you'll notice a little girl dressed up as tinkerbell. That is Natalie. When Owen progressed to toddling a few weeks ago, Natalie decided to digressed and for a good part of the day will act like an infant that doesn't speak English. I guess she's trying to capture her last few moments of infanthood before she gets bumped even more out of the baby of the family position.
She's getting bumped from youngest toddler position too, poor thing! Before she knows it she'll be toilet training. I guess it's time to grow up little girl! She makes a cute little tinkerbell. Abi dressed her up (Abi is the family fashionista and stylist). This was like the first time ever that she's let us do anything to her hair. I was looking through our family pictures recently, and I realized I was quite fortunate she let me curl it for those photos. We're lucky she's got some natural curls.