Friday, August 25, 2017

360 Sunrise

Hello lovely Friday! We've almost survived the first few days of school. On my morning walk this morning, I enjoyed 360 degrees of beautiful sky - 6:47 a.m. looking east
and looking west ~
6:48 - looking south~
...and north.
Aah, great way to start the morning and the weekend! I also enjoyed some contentment time "being present" with Daniel this morning. He was playing with some hard balls on our tile bathroom floor, they made a nice loud sound when they bounced or rolled - I made this 5 min video, but he was paying with them for almost a half hour. It was really cute.

We don't have anything planned for this weekend, other than I have to prepare a 4 minute talk for sacrament meeting on Sunday. All the ladies in the study group are preparing brief remarks about what we learned studying the Pearl of Great Price. I'm going to talk about Enoch and Zion and how building up Zion is our job in the latter days - we have to get ourselves worthy and ready so Zion can return! I love the topic of Zion, this is still one of my favorite books, even though I haven't reread it for 5 years. But it is so good, I highly recommend it!

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