Thursday, August 24, 2017

Kindergarten Orientation

It's day 2 of school! The morning started off fun with a few more butterflies emerging. Abi and her friend took two butterflies to the bus stop, they are such pretty little miracles.
Then Sophi had her kindergarten Orientation this morning at 11:20. Her teacher had things set up outside the classroom so efficiently... it inspired me. Maybe I could do a "family orientation" for the school year. But what would I teach? What systems do we have in place? I worked on it a little bit tonight, trying to figure it out what I could do... some kind of "school year family orientation" and I'd model things that the kindergarten teacher out...
- "Step 1 - Pick up the Kindergarten Welcome Packet to take home and read over the weekend. This packet will answer most of your questions and I will answer any it does not"
Idea - Yeah! I need a packet, some kind of hand out with all the family rules, routines, and homemaking improvement committee tips. That way everyone will know what is expected.
- "Step 2 - Please read the Kindergarten donation letter and complete any of the steps that you wish to complete."
Idea - they can make a list of chores/jobs they'd prefer to give to the family... we can play to each of their individual strengths.
- "Step 3 - Please fill in the transportation list so that I will be aware of how your students will be traveling home at the end of our day together."
Idea - They'll be informed of how to keep me aware of their activities outside of the home
- "Step 4 - If you would like to volunteer in our classroom, please fill out the PTA Volunteer foler and then sign up for your days on the calendar below."
Idea - volunteer - we can think of something so they are remembering to give service to our family and their siblings.
- Step 5 - Student information sheet.
Idea - I've tried a few times before to do this, but I'd like to keep track of their stats for each year like a doctor does: their weight, height, plus have a place where I write and keep all their current sizes for shoes, pants, and shirts. Could also write down some of their favorite things right now in their life: favorite toys or books, some favorite songs, things like that.
Anyway, I really liked how it was all set up and organized. Although teachers have to figure out a system when they're teaching the same grade and doing the same thing each year. Why can't I or haven't I figured out a system yet? Corey said recently that our life is a mess cause we never have had a chance to figure it out cause I've always had a baby in arms that throws things out of wack again. That might be true...
He also said that a system doesn't work when there's a baby around. Now I don't agree with that though. I think it is possible to lead an organized and a structured life, even in the throws of babyhood. I've been wondering where we could go for advice, but Corey says no one would have advice that would work for us cause none of those people have experience with doing whatever program works for them with 11 kids in tow. But I think there's got to be something or someone that can help...
Also, after filling out the stuff we waited to talk to the teacher. I was thinking we could have all that stuff in place and then the kids would see a "STOP" sign like that above where they could take their turn waiting for their back to school father's blessing. So those are things I was thinking about at the orientation. After we talked with the teacher, she gave Sophi a poster to do for homework and a little bag of cookies. Natalie wanted some but the teacher only had enough for her students. That made Natalie so sad, she kinda freaked out. Another parent and student were waiting to enter but I was struggling to drag Natalie out while also carrying Daniel. Sophi tried to help by offering Natalie some cookies. No, she wants all of them. Then Sophi said okay and gave Natalie her bag of cookies.

Natalie took them and we were able to start to walk out. Thank you Sophi, you saved me. Natalie proceeded to shove two little cookies in her mouth... nice pic, eh?
That picture shows reality. K, let's try again, and smile this time?
Little better, Sophi's smile is a bit too cheesy. One more try... Here is the last take, this one more "facebook" worthy.
As we walked out to the car, Natalie offered to share the cookies with Sophi. So she doesn't mind sharing, but she wants to be the one holding the bag. Sophi sharing with her was not okay, but Natalie is good at sharing when she is in possession of the goods. So, that's that. We'll see if I'm able to come up with an orientation to some kind of system for our family to follow. I do good at some things, like family scripture reading or getting to church on time, but I struggle with housekeeping and getting all of us to follow a routine. (Is that even possible?) At home tonight, Owen and Daniel were cute as they sat with Ethan.
Ethan pulls out the Duplo "Train Game" to keep them properly quiet during scriptures. It's like a drug that sedates them, kinda sad. 
Yes, they were quiet, that's a step in the right direction. But we're gonna try and actually teach them to be quiet rather than drugging them with technology. They are getting a little addicted to it and it's getting to the point that I can't even have my phone out to use it during church without them freaking out cause they want to play the train game. I need to be careful with how these smart phones are messing with young developing brains.

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