Monday, August 28, 2017

First Day of Kindergarten

We made it through the first week of school with two "first days" last week. And then today, I believe, we had the last of our "firsts" ~ Today was Sophi's first day of Kindergarten!
This little girl with a September birthday has been very excited to join her friends and siblings at school for well over a year. She did her "about me" poster for homework over the weekend. She had gotten that assignment last Thursday at her oritentation. She held it very carefully as they walked to the bus.
Natalie and Daniel were still asleep, so Owen and I walked them all the way to the bus stop. I didn't really want to, but Owen insisted. We had a neighborhood walkabout last night, so maybe he was hoping for a repeat of roaming the neighborhood for refreshments.
But Owen, honestly, all I could think of when I saw you was that bad knock knock joke that Joseph keeps telling us... "Knock knock!" "Who's there?" "Panther." "Panther Who?" "Panth-er-no panths, I'm going swimming!" So there ya go.

Speaking of that joke, the girl that he is asking to homecoming told it to him and she thinks it's hilarious, so he used that in his "asking" her, and she used the "Panther" joke when she answered him tonight. She also included something about getting pants shipped, as joked about in this commercial, which I'd never seen before. Funny.
So, as we walked them to the bus stop, Owen kept laughing to himself. He was remembering or telling himself a really funny joke.
His little chuckles continued when we were there. Maybe he was thinking of that commercial. He was just laughing out loud to himself. It was really funny.
The bus came, they boarded, and then Owen cried out for "Aba!" as the bus pulled away, and then we hurried home, and Natalie and Daniel were both awake. I told Natalie we could do a school here at home for her, but she really wanted to leave the house and go to a diamond school with a boat and she was rambling on about other stuff as she wailed. She finally consented to color in her new Disney princess book (after I offered her chocolate.)

Now I think we're all finished with our "firsts" and we can start to focus on schedules and routines and see if we're going to be able to survive this school year! Good luck to us.

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