Thursday, August 31, 2017

Binky Thief

Daniel was being silly today. He found Owen's binky on the floor and picked it up.
"Hmm, what is it that Owen always does with this thing?" He put it in his mouth and made us all laugh. We are used to seeing Owen sucking on it, but it looked so funny for Daniel to be using it.
I think he felt like he'd stumbled upon something pretty good to get such a reaction from all of us.
Then Owen noticed what was going on. His beloved binky, being used by someone who doesn't appreciate their true worth. "No Daniel!" as he yanked it from his mouth. Daniel looks surprised...
And then hurt. We chastise Owen and tell him to be nice to Daniel. Now they're both sad.
Owen decides he will share. Will Daniel accept his peace offering?
He was still sad but we all know what to do to cheer up Daniel. It's not binkies and a blanket, just hold him and maybe give him some warm milk. So that was funny, we like these two little boys.

Tonight Corey ran to the store. I need to make sure I get enough groceries and/or plan meals and have them prepared and ready to serve at dinner time, or else people get nervous (Ethan and Corey on Ethan's behalf) and then they run to the grocery store that is close by and buy lots of food that is overpriced (aka not Costco Wholesale) such as Nutella, and come back with eggs and milk and yogurt and other things I'd really rather not have in the house, and then it just messes up with my meals. Not that I'm good at planning them. It's all in my head, I need to have a written plan. I tried something once that worked pretty well, I need to try it again and just be consistent with making time to plan it. I have told Corey and the kids many times that if they would just help me plan what to serve for dinner, I am more than happy to buy the food and make it. But it's still never happened. I wish I had some support with this or someone else would drive this. But then when they do drive it, like Corey did tonight, I don't like how they do it. I should probably just relax and say thank you for help when they give it instead of being irritated. It's the same thing with putting away dishes. I don't know why some people around here still don't know where dishes go (I think mostly my sweetheart) and I can't find things when I'm looking for them or see the glass pyrex left over storage bowls with the serving bowls of all things! Isn't life so hard for me, "do you see what I endure!?" Yeah, my life is so difficult, especially compared to all the people dealing with flooding in Texas, right? Yeah, I've got it easy, good to remind myself to keep perspective. Praying and thinking of the people in Houston.

So, at the store, Corey picked up another magazine, People I think... to show the kids the glitz and glamour of Babylon. Yes, these are the things that are important to many Americans - clothes, make up, movie stars... Who looks good and who doesn't.
If there isn't a story to tell, they'll make one up. "Did you see how old and wrinkly actress so and so's hand looks in this random photo we took as we were stalking here?!?" Daniel wants to see the wrinkly looking hand...
His point was to tell the kids that people will talk, whether it be in the school or out in the world. They'll find something to criticize or nit-pick about. You just gotta do what's important to you and live your life. Decide what you want to do, what the Lord would like you to do, and then do that. Don't let doubt, fear, or negative peer pressure direct your life and decisions.

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