Friday, September 1, 2017

Cutest Little Boys EVER

Owen can't live without his binky and blanket. Daniel really doesn't see what the big appeal of either of them is. Daniel tried it out yesterday, just out of curiosity, which seemed to have offended Owen. But they appear to have made amends... Today, they were watching some PBS kids in the chair in my room, both sitting there so cute and fresh out of the tub... so I gave Owen his essentials and then we thought we'd give Daniel a binky and blanet too, to make them twinners!!
And oh this made us laugh more than Daniel sucking the binky yesterday. We were laughing for joy and calling all the kids to come in and see how cute they were. And of course we had to snap a dozen pictures.
I'll spare you and will only post 6.
(Cutest thing ever!!)
Daniel with the binky in his mouth is thinking "What is it you want me to do with this thing?"
Owen laughing "Oh silly Daniel, don't you know? These are standard issue for all children. You better get with the program!"
Daniel "All right, I'll chew on it." And I just LOVE Daniel's little crossed ankles!! You two better stop, you're making me baby hungry, and that might kill your father, so just stop. Though I'm not sure how they can help it. I also took these two pictures of them taking their naps this afternoon. Cause sleeping children are just precious.
These two are such joy, I love being a mom!

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