Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Little Climber

We had two butterflies emerge this morning. And the little egg I found last night hatched during the night, hurry and grow little guy, you gotta hurry and catch up with the migration! Other than that, it was a usual Wednesday. Wednesdays are when I have scripture study group in the morning and then we come back and I hurry and get take the trash out, cause it's garbage day. My little friends played on the trampoline while I mowed the lawn - filling up the last of the empty space in the garbage cans with grass clippings. It was fun watching the kids play. Sophi is gone at morning kindergarten until lunch time, so it's "just" these three. Natalie and Owen like to fight with each over who is not being nice to Daniel. Daniel is a tough little guy and is pretty good at fending himself. He has become quite a climber! He's been going up and down the stairs in the house well and this morning was practicing going up and down the slide.
Natalie trying to help him as Owen gets ready to plow him over...
It was cute watching them, I didn't intervene but was there just in case Daniel fell, but he did great.
My little guy is growing up, can't believe he's almost one! And a few other notes for posterity's sake: I have a salad extravaganza with ladies in our ward tonight, an yearly event that is always looked forward to by all. Corey talked with a guy named Sergio tonight and they talked for an hour, not about M0vie mouth stuff, it was about other stuff. And I also sent an email to Operation Underground Railroad asking about if there is a way Corey could donate MM software to help in the recovery efforts for the children they save from trafficking. And, this is what Ethan and Joseph look like at 5:43 in the morning. They are supposed to leave for jazz band at 6:15 to arrive on time at 6:30, but usually they are running 10 minute behind. We gotta get on a schedule.

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