Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Lasts of Summer

Well, we're in day 2 of the family school year. With yesterday being Sophi's first day of kindergarten, this is the second day of our new life for the next 9 months. We're still trying to hold on to the last traces of summer such as, miracle of miracles, me making it out on a walk this morning. I even was able to go down into the hollow again for some quick exploring fun.
I'm so glad that I have Abi at home! After the morning routine getting the older kids out the door (from 5:30 - 7:10) then I have a small approx 40 -70 minute window (depending on how responsible I'm feeling) where I can go for a walk! I woke up Abi at 7, cause she likes to have plenty of time to get ready, and then I was able to go enjoy the world while it's still snow free and light outside. Bonus that she's able to keep an ear on Owen and Daniel and get them breakfast if they wake up. She's such a good little mother.

This morning we had three more butterflies emerge, two females, one male. Yes, summer is winding down, fly away little beauties!
Tonight I went up to Davis county for my nephew's birthday bbq. I had a van full of kids that were excited for this last of summer parties and bbqs. Corey's brother and his family recently moved and I hadn't been to their new house, so it was nice to go and see their place. The kids enjoyed playing with their cousins. Nice wig, Lil!
She made sure I didn't miss the most important detail of her ensemble... "Do you like my feet?"
She was being some disco hobbit or something I guess. So the kids played inside, Owen and Danile liked the trampoline out back. They had a nice big lot and, being the butterfly whisperer I am, I couldn't help but notice the numerous and large milkweed plants in their backyard. I haven't been finding any on our plants anymore but my fellow monarch adoptive mothers tell me that they've had them emerge as late as October, so there could be some out there still. So I looked around and checked the leaves, and was surprised to find an egg that was about to hatch! It was dark, so should be coming out tonight. My in laws didn't have a strong desire to have it, and feeling the little guy would never make it on its own, we took it home. So I thought I was on my last butterfly - my last caterpillar turned into a chrysalis this evening, but now it looks like I've got just one more that's trying to catch the train as it's pulling out of the station. I don't know if this little one will make it before it's too cold, we'll see! So one more caterpillar, it will be fun. One last thing - a little video of us hanging out in our room before bedtime tonight. We liked how Daniel held his bottle with his teeth as he crawled around. Funny little guy.

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