Thursday, August 17, 2017

Going to the Eclipse

I have had the total solar eclipse on my calendar for a few months. I was hoping we could go up, but I didn't know how I could swing it since it's going to be the friggin' first day of school for half my kids (lame!). Come on America, this should seriously be a national holiday. Atleast the next ones better be! Mark your calendars - April 8, 2024! and the Aug 12, 2045 one will be coming over Utah! (I'll be 69 years old!)

So, I didn't think I was going to be able to go. Then today I talked to a neighbor Aubrey as we figured out carpool for the neighborhood kids, and she said she and her kids are missing school to go up for it. Man... I really want to go. I started to toy with the idea again. Then I watched this TED video with David Baron and I loved it. That one sealed the deal. I owe this to myself! Ok, we're gonna make this happen. School or no school. Idaho here we come.
Luckily for us, Ethan has a jazz gig up in Ashton, Idaho this weekend. Corey is taking him up tomorrow and they are going to camp on the lawn of a friend of someone who someone in the band knows in Ashton. So... that could be where we crash if we drive up the night before (Sunday night)... I'm still figuring it out, but the plan is for Corey to go up tomorrow and put up the tent and spend Friday night, they'll come back Saturday but leave the tent up there for me, and I'll go up Sunday after church with about half of my kids in tow. My mom and Dad are going up to, my dad was raised in Ashton. It will be fun! And if it's crazy nuts, we'll have good stories to tell. I loved this video below, it's going to be awesome!

What a great time to be alive!

Butterfly update: we had two eggs hatch today. There are still 5 more eggs, but I think they're all duds. I'll give them until Sunday and then I'm throwing them out, the leaves are getting old. I think the two that hatched today will be the last of the season. They are so tiny, cute little guys. So as of today, we have 16 chrysalis, 8 big caterpillars, 3 small, and 2 babies.

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