Friday, August 18, 2017

Month of Reading

Summer is almost over. We have a busy weekend to be our warm up for the busy school year that will fast be upon us. Corey, Mel, and Ethan headed up to Idaho tonight for a little jazz gig that Ethan is in - the Henry's Fork Music Festival - part of Ashton Idaho's eclipse festivities. The band he's in is called the Neotones. Mel is going up too, so that she can get in driving practice and Corey can work while she drives, win win. They are leaving the tent up for me and then I'm going up on Sunday and we'll sleep there and then see the eclipse on Monday, yay! It's gonna be really cool, we're excited. The kids have been soaking up and appreciating this last week of freedom. It's slipping by to fast. They've been reading a lot and not working very much on cleaning, but that's okay. They've been reading a lot the past few weeks, about a month. I'd say that it was a "Summer of Reading" but that wouldn't be true. Cause these kids didn't experience a sufficient enough level of boredom until recently. But after two months, now that it's time to return to the school year schedule, their brains had experienced a big enough vacuum to turn on their brains and imagination. It might have been the Park City challenge that kicked it in gear, cause the kids started reading up a storm that week. And now they can do it without that burden of having to stop and complete other chores to win the challenge. Yippie for me, so I'm warming up to the idea that everything I want to do is going to take twice as long cause I'm doing it with kids! Like shopping!
Just kidding, I plan on shopping sans kids as much as possible this school year. I'll go at 5 a.m. or midnight if I must. Today my 4:00 errand was an exception, cause Corey was home and he cannot be left home alone with them. So I ran out with him and the little girls to get a few things for Corey, Mel, and Eth for their road trip. Owen, yes you are handsome like your dad!

So Ethan's been reading the Harry Potter books five plus hours a day, and Hyrum and Wesley have been reading the Fablehaven series and Eragon.
They really are liking the stories. They try to tell me about it but it doesn't process in my brain, but I'm glad they like it. Hyrum is a book ahead of Wes and gives him little teasers of the amazing things that are coming up I'm glad that they're enjoying this last weekend before the school year begins! Ready or not, here it comes next week.

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