Friday, August 18, 2017

Last Minute Madrigal

Last week on high adventure, Joseph heard from a friend in our ward that there was an opening in the high school Madrigals singing group. Originally, Joseph hadn't bothered to audition because 1) his schedule is already overloaded with musical stuff and 2) he was hoping he'd need the elective class period for SBO (so sad, but he still loves to watch the campaign video he made, it was so good!) So anyway, he toyed with the idea and then threw out an email on Monday to the choir director to see if he could audition for the open spot:

Hi Mr. Gundersen, this is Joseph Wride. I've never had you as a teacher before but am in the Jazz band, Wind Ensemble, and Orchestra Winds so we have interacted a few times. Ethan Jensen, in Madrigals next year, is in my ward and he told me that Jack Richards could no longer do Madrigals because of Calculus or something like that and that there might be an open spot in Madrigals. I never auditioned originally thinking there wouldn't be room in my schedule with band and SBO but have always loved watching and playing with the Madrigals. Anyways since SBO didn't work out and I heard about the possible opening I just thought I'd ask to see if it would be possible for me to come by soon and audition. Let me know, Thanks!!

He got a quick reply from the music teacher asked Joseph to come in on Friday:

I do have an opening in Madrigals and would love to have you come and audition for me.  Does this Friday work for you?  I will be here between 8:00 and 3:00  if you want to stop by and sing for me.  Bring a song that you really enjoy singing and you can audition with that.  Mr. Larson gave you a very good recommendation so I look forward to meeting with you.  See you Friday.

During the week Joseph has been wondering what song to sing and he got some practice tips at the party from the singers in his Voodoo band on Wednesday. If you will recall, back in February, Joseph had a little solo in Voodoo - that solo opportunity started during a rehearsal where neither of their singers were there and Joseph joked to the assistant director "You should let me sing..." Micah took him up on it and to everyone's delight it was fun. Even his brother Ethan was surprised and said "Wow, that wasn't horrible!" (How's that for a brotherly backhanded compliment!) So the band made the plan for their Peaks Festival performance for Joseph to steal the mic as part of their show - here at 2:13.

Yesterday Corey and Ethan expressed their concerns about Joseph auditioning for Madrigals. Cause Madrigals is a big deal! Some kids are hoping and planning and strategising how to make Madrigals their senior year from the time they are Freshmen. Corey was concerned that there would be more to the audition than just singing a song and that he should find out and prepare more. Ethan just didn't want him to do it at all... When Joseph told him he was auditioning, he said Eth looked physically ill... "What?!? Noo!!! Joseph, nooooo!" Followed up with several days of comments such as: "You're such a bad singer. I don't think you should audition cause I don't want you to embarrass yourself. He will literally just laugh at you." - repeated everytime Joseph tried to practice or prepare at all.

Corey's concerns were more gentle on the surface but they run deep. All Corey knows about Joseph's singing, is that once upon a time (May of 2013 to be exact), Joseph was signing karaoke with all the confidence in the world and Corey was cringing for himself and anyone else in ear shot. Unfortunately, I wasn't there to document, so no one remembers the details of the event or knows the songs Joseph sang or why it was bad or if it really was that horrible. Even Corey can't remember... "I can't remember what he sang, but I'll never forget how it made me feel..." Yeah, apparently Corey's memory was scarred from that little family time on vacation. It was then and there that Corey decided that even though Joseph sang loud and proud, he just wasn't meant to be a singer.

I, however, said I thought he'd be great and could easily make Madrigals. "He's a shoo-in!" I declared to Corey and Ethan. Here's my reasoning: I was in concert choir back in the day, and it was my unprofessional opinion that any guy who could read music and had an ear could make it. Thus: Joseph's got this. If he was a girl he wouldn't, the girl groups are more competitive, I know this from sad experience (sniff... I didn't even make the Highlights group) I could sing some songs well, but I never had the public confidence if it was a solo or small group. But put me in the high school locker room with a few friends and I could sing Phantom of the Opera pretty darn well.

So, with his father and brother casting doubt, and my full support, he turned to Talmage who put the idea of Buble in his head for a song to sing. But this morning Joseph was still undecided between Buble or Harry Conick Jr. "Red Light Blue Light". But when couldn't find a backtrack for Harry he started practicing Buble. Unfortunately, Joseph's voice was a little hammered from yelling and singing at the back to school stomp last night, doh! So this morning, Joseph was singing loud to Ethan's "Stop singing!" comments as he tried to warm up his voice. He transposed everything down 3 half steps and settled on singing Everything by Michael Buble.

Joseph left at noon for his audition and we all anxiously awaited his return. Ok that's not true. We all just went about our normal day. But when he got back we remembered where he had been and were excited to hear the news. Ethan was the first to see him "Did you make it" "Yep." "Really?!?! WHAT?!?" I see Joseph - "How did it go?" "It went well..." "Yeah?" "Actually... it went freakin' awesome!" Corey came out of his office with a "What?!? I gotta hear this" Joseph said that he started with the song, and instead of just singing 30 sec or 1 minute sample of it, Mr. Gunderson had him sing the whole thing. After it was over: "Do you know why I let you finish the whole song?" He asked. Joseph: "Why?" "Cause it was so good!!! That was fantastic, I definitely want you..." He took Joseph over to the piano to test his range and such and after a few minutes asked "Where have you been?!" "Over there in the band room..." So he stayed and sang some scales and such and found his comfort zone, Joseph could go pretty low "I could even have you sing bass..." And Joseph got pretty high too "Even without falsetto! Wow!" Sing this note... "Good ear too!" after he sang them back on pitch. So, yeah, he's in! Mr. Gunderson is in touch with the counselor to help J get his schedule rearranged. Joseph was pretty pleased. He teased his father and Ethan "I just want you both to admit that I'm not as bad of a singer as you thought..." Corey's teasing reply "Well, now, let's not get carried away here..." I shouted over as I washed dishes "I NEVER DOUBTED YOU, JOSEPH!" "Thanks Mom!" came his reply. With a nod of his head, Corey admitted "Yes, I doubted..." They kept talking and teasing, and I'd throw out another "I knew you'd make it, Joseph! I BELIEVED IN YOU!!" which Ethan quickly followed up with a joking "Shut up, Mom!" said in a funny voice like he was trying to sound like a cranky old lady or bratty ungrateful teenager.

So that is our Madrigal story of how Joseph committed himself once again to take on even more stuff this year. (update with a photo of some sort tomorrow!) But good news, as Corey said... "The Music Sterling Scholar just got one step closer..." Corey also said "I wish I could whiz up to people on a whim with a bunch of confidence and have them love me and give me the prize..." as he implied the un-fairness of Joseph quickly getting this with a "Where have you been all my life?!?" - it was easy! Seemingly with no effort on his part, while Corey, on the other hand, continues to claw and struggle and crawl on all fours in a mud pit with his friends. They call out for help and it feels so hard and messy and slow. He wishes he could just fly in like Joseph, not really knowing what he's doing, and have them just say "We've been waiting for you! Here ya go, you win!" Well, we're glad for our kids to get a lucky break now and then, even if we haven't yet. It will come sweetie, just keep on keepin' on!

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