Sunday, September 3, 2017

Abi is 10!

Happy birthday to Abi! But too bad for you... no breakfast in bed from your sweet brothers cause it's fast Sunday. So sad. She put up her birthday decorations by herself the day before. I did do somethign though - I did put her presents on the table before church. She decided to wait to open them, cause Sunday mornings are just busy and everyone is going every different direction (cause everyone sleeps in too long). Usually Mel and Ethan are the last two to come to the Sunday meetings, tsk tsk you older kids! You guys should and could be the first ones out the door, but instead I and all the little ones are headed out first, and that's me getting myself and 4 little ones ready. Which is impressive. Although I admit many times they dress themselves (and it shows) and they don't have their hair brushed. Anyway, where was I... Oh, Abi. Yes, Abi, it's your birthday! So we went to church for 3 hours, they sang to her in Primary and gave her a birthday treat. After church, Abi and Hyrum made her chocolate birthday cake. As that baked, she opened her presents~ A Lego creator set (cause we don't have enough legos) and lots of sculpy clay, and some stickers. That was all from me. Corey usually takes the kids out to pick out a toy. They are going to do that tomorrow.
We frosted the cake and then my mom and dad both came over to wish her happy birthday. That was a special treat to have both my mom and dad here! They stayed and we all visited for over an hour, it was really nice. The kids ate cake and ice cream as we talked. I was still fasting and happily was not tempted at all. I swore off ice cream after I ate way too many servings of it on Owens birthday in July and felt sick and angry for the rest of the evening. So no more ice cream for me, so help me Cows.

Though I do admit here at home I'm starting to let the vegan thing slide inch by inch. Mostly cause Corey keeps buying beef and milk for Ethan, who wishes we would just eat "normal" aka the standard American diet, (aka SAD). So I'm still 99% whole food plant based, and I started a new challenge for myself since I've not made any progress since our facebook summer health challenge ended. This month of September, with the only exception being the meal when Corey and I go on our weekly date night, I am only eating whole food. So no bread this month. I can have wheat, but it's all gotta be whole during September. I'm on day 3 and so far so good!

Sorry, Abi, I keep getting distracted. She opened her presents from my parents, then we all went over to Corey's parents' house and shared the cake we made with them. My kids were already full from cake, so we waited a bit and they were so nice, they threw a potato bar together for everyone. I didn't think we'd have dinner there but Corey did and suggested we bring something. I'll remember to bring something next time. So after dinner, it was time for cake and ice cream again. Singing Happy Birthday -
Blowing out the candles - (nice Eth)
Here's also a picture of Abi on her birthday date with Corey and I from this past Friday night. Abi got to choose where to go and so we went to Chuck a Rama.
Abi, you are becoming a young woman. She is only 10 but looks quite old for her age, the complete opposite of Mel, who is a junior this year but looks like she's 12. I think she gets that from Corey (cue the pic of our first date where he is in his 16th year). We had a nice time at Corey's parent's house and eventhough it was a Sunday, Abi had a great birthday. She really wanted a party, but I told her she only gets 2 and that she insisted on having it last year. She had a hard time recalling that conversation, which is another reason why I blog - so I can find evidence of past agreements and bargains. I promise we'll still try to make your birthdays fun even without friend parties, (and they won't always be on a Sunday!) We love you Abi!

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