Saturday, September 2, 2017

Nanny 911

We've been talking about reality television around here. Corey's been doing youtube homework on reality shows. He has also bought a few magazines to show the kids the other side of reality tv: tabloid gossip. Kinda fun, we enjoy opening their eyes and innoculating them so they're prepared for some things they'll find when they leave this nest and go out into the big bad world. In Corey's reality research, he found a good show that I think could have really helped us: Nanny 911. Are they still filming? I thing I need to give them a call. I've heard of Nanny 911 but I've never seen an episode. But what Corey showed us got us all hooked real quick. He showed us the first 10 min of the Delaney family. That mother did appear to take better care of her pig than her daughters. Which had me thinking that maybe our life as bad or isn't spinning as out of control as I think. Here are some snapshots from my phone that Natalie took, showing our life spinning...
Children whirling past, the day rushing on... (and the pic where the culprit who took mom's phone is revealed...)
Neighbor kids still over, "Time for friends to go home!"
Ethan about to practice. Good that he's practicing, but I really wish they'd get it started before the sun starts setting! We need to have an end to our day! Oh well? Can I establish any of these rules and have them be followed?
So, an episode of Nanny 911 that made me think I need Nanny 911 was the Dickson family episode. Cause with the Delanys it really did seem like dysfunction on the mom's part, so that's not us (unless I'm in denial...). But the things the Dickson mom got help with, that's what I need. I need to establish rules and then with those rules set boundaries and be consistent. That's what we need help with. I had Corey pause the video so I could take a picture... Natalie, time to sleep in your own bed? She's still on our floor here almost a year later...
I've tried lots of books and made up my own things but haven't been able to find a system that sticks. We're not getting there. I'm not getting there. The house is messy, the kids don't help as much as we need them to, poor Corey works so much, how can we get our boat afloat? Help Nanny 911! Natalie caught Corey working tonight...
We're doing okay, but we need to do better if we want to make it through this school year unscathed. Corey and I both know that our current life is not sustainable. We need to figure it out, I'll keep praying and searching and trying! Any guidance appreciated!

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