Monday, September 4, 2017

Day Off

It is always very nice every year to have this first day off of school so we can catch our breath from the new schedule. This is what Labor day looked like around here. I got up to go for a nice hour long walk, just like in the days of summer from o-so long ago. When I left, Hyrum and Wes had just given Abi her birthday breakfast in bed (crepes) and they were headed down to play the Wii. They've all been a little obsessed with the Super Smash Brothers game that Hyrum got on his birthday. They played for a few hours. They were still playing when I got back. Owen had joined them
They woke up Corey around 8:30 to come play with them, they wanted a "vs. Dad" tournament.
Corey's been hobbling around with a swollen left foot so he's had to take it easy with the kids, but the Wii is a good easy way to keep them happy and not hurt himself more. He slipped on the stairs as he walked down carrying Daniel. Daniel make it okay with no bumps, just a scare. Corey, however, spent the next few hours with his foot up. It got nice and blue yesterday and is still swollen today, so Corey is moving a bit slower. So that was how the morning went.

After breakfast, the kids finished homework. I had to take Wesley out to buy more baking clay to finish some homework ceramics. Owen and Daniel came with us. We went to Zurchers (I needed raffle tickets for a new kid motivation thing I'm going to try - the "Wride Raffle"), then Hobby Lobby, then Fresh Market. I like shopping at Fresh Market when I have one of the little boys with me, cause there is always a car cart available.
A nice guy in the bakery gave them each a chocolate chip cookies. That always makes kids happy
So the boys were all doing homework all day, in hopes of having one more chance to play Smash Brothers with Corey before the day was over. The girls (Mel, Abi, and Lily) made things with sculpy clay all day. Sophi put on a show called "Choose Your Colors Yeah!" which she performed for me as I washed dishes.
If you couldn't tell, the colors she chose were pink, black and white.) Natalie followed Sophi's lead and soon was doing a song performance too.
After doing a little bit of clay, Lily came and did a little bit of the song show. Cause Lily is her own crazy creative person and likes to float around the house from room to room and play with things that strike her fancy. You know, things like an empty bread sack...
Lily, don't suffocate yourself, please...
She made herself into the Cat and the Hat and shoved things into the sandwich bag on her head so she could magically take them out... "you know, like how the cat in the hat always takes stuff out of his hat!" She started to try and color the plastic hat red and white, but I told her it wouldn't work and not to waste her time or the marker ink. But she's a silly and creative one, to be sure.

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