Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Sophi is 6!

Today is Sophi's happy birthday. When she got home from kindergarten, she proudly told me "I'm the oldest kid in my class!!" They asked who was six, and she was the only one that raised her hand. That is pretty cool, Soph. Everyone wished her happy birthday before school and she took some powdered donuts to school to share with her class. She waited until after school to open her presents. And thus the only one that she got to share the moment with was Natalie - and it was just perfect.
Then, since Owen and Daniel were both down for naps, I took Sophi and Natalie over to Corey's parent's house. Usually they come visit us here, but after we went over there on Sunday for Abi's birthday, I thought it would be a good tradition to start. So we are going to try and starting going over there for a visit on birthdays. Opening more presents
And finishing off the visit with a big hug.
Then back home again. After the kids were home from school, my mom came by with two cakes for Sophi.
Singing "Happy Birthday to you!!" What a pretty little girl.
Opening the last of the birthday loot~
Sisters looking on - they are all ready for Sophi to share her presents, cake and cereal.
The Elenea of Avalor doll might win the prize for the best reaction.
The present that Corey got for Sophi was an Elena of Avalor dress. They haven't ever seen the show that I am aware of. But they love her, cause when you see a pretty doll in a big ruffly red dress when you're walking down the toy store isle, every little girl knows that she wants that doll. Sophi said it was a good day. And tomorrow she is having a little party with a few neighbor friends, Happy Birthday Soph!

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