Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Singing "People Say"

I was in the girls room folding clothes a few days ago when my ears tuned in to the little girl singing as she jumped on Abi's top bunk (Abi and Mel are so patient with their little sisters). It was making me laugh, I thought it was pretty adorable
Here's a little video I took to try and capture the moment. I recognized a few of the songs, but not all of them. She starts off with Taylor Swift "Shake it Off", which I especially liked for the way she scrunched her nose when she said "Hmm mm" "Now I'm done with people say..." next tune...

The others I recognize were Uptown Funk at 1:11, Honey I'm good at 1:22. The first two minutes are Natalie singing the songs on her brother's playlist. After 2, she shows true Natalie fashion by making up her own Strawberry Shortcake song, then the ABCs, and then How Far I'll Go from the Moana movie. Natalie loves Moana. Anyway, she's a cutie. I love this little girl.

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