Friday, November 10, 2017

My Career

Earlier this week Wesley asked me if I would like to come to his College and Career Readiness class (I think that's what the class is called...) to talk about my "career" as a homemaker. It took a little bit of finangling, but I said I could do it and today I did. I had to go withdraw Sophi early from school to take her with me, cause my "presentation" would be at 11:20, which is the time that she usually gets home from school on Fridays (short day)

Last night I wrote down a few notes about things that my career allow me to do - clean, cook, sew, give haircuts, plumbing, read and teach history, time management, organization, blog, etc. This morning I gathered my blog books and a few yearbooks and scrapbook photos. I set an alarm for 10:15, an hour before I had to be there. Time set for 10:15 to remind me to begin to get my 3 little friends ready, hoping it would allow us to be in the car and on our way to pick up Sophi at 10:30, then by 10:45 hopefully we'd have Sophi in the car and be on our way to Churchill. I planned to arrive at Churchill at 11, giving myself 20 minutes to get me, my little friends, and my heavy bin of books to get up to classroom 307. Wouldn't you know that Daniel and Owen both fell asleep on the drive to the school! I called it though, figures...

I dropped my bin off at the door then went to park the car. Owen woke up but D was still asleep and so I carried him. Owen had to keep hold of his blanket, but Sophi and Natalie helped me drag the bin up the ramp. The ramp goes right by the cafeteria windows. I have total hope for the future of the world, cause a sweet wonderful young woman ran outside and offered to help me. She carried the bin inside and was just the sweetest girl. I want to be like her! See someone who needs help? Go help them! She's my hero. I don't know how to find out her name though. But young girl, I love you, you're awesome! She helped get us to the cafeteria door where Wesley and his cousin Jordyn found us. They helped us take the kids and bin up the stairs and to room 307 with 4 min to spare before the first bell rang.
It was an hour long process but hooray, we made it! We killed a few minutes walking the halls. Natalie and Sophi tried opening the big kids' lockers...
11:20 - time for class to begin. It was a short day, so I was given all the class period time if I wanted it. Wesley's teacher asked him to introduce me.
Sophi shyly stayed close by my legs, Natalie played at a computer, Daniel was happy to go to whoever, and Owen kept his blanket and big brother close by.
I said my little spiel, the kids asked questions, and it was fun! They asked what a typical day looks like for me. Right now that's being an alarm clock starting at 5:30 a.m. and managing kids the whole day, while I try to fit in time to blog/clean/cook, etc. I told them that they haven't met yet the most important people in their life - their kids. Being a parent is fun and challenging and rewarding and I love it, I firmly believe I've got the best job hands down. I passed out my blog books for the kids to look at. I said that I have no idea what my mom did when I was growing up, and my kids are probably totally unaware of most of things I do, but I've got a lot of it documented! So at some future day if they want to know what I did all day and/or how I managed our life, I'll tell them to go google it, ha. Wesley's classmates came and adored Daniel a bit before the bell rang, and then they and we were off to face the rest of the day.
Three students helped take my bin of books out to the car and Wes brought out Owen, and that was that. The night before, Hyrum was complaining... "Hey! Dad already went to talk to Wesley's class! And now you're going too?!? How come you never came to my class?!?! You only had 9 kids back then, now you have even more! How come you can do it now but you couldn't do it then, huh?!?" I agree Hyrum, if I was overwhelmed then I should still be overwhelmed now. But I've only just figured out to how to manage my life. I can't go back in time, but I'm happy to come talk to your class now if you'd like!

Also, my kids have been attending jr. high here at Churchlil for the past 6 years (Joseph started in fall 2012) and so this is another perhaps pathetic milestone in that it was the first time that I've gone in the school further than the auditorium and actually entered a classroom. (That's my second pathetic milestone this year, woot!)

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