Thursday, November 9, 2017

Sick Toddlers

Poor Owen and Daniel have got some bug that they are both fighting. Yesterday, after I took the jr. high carpool, I came back to find Daniel in the tub, a messy pile of clothes for me to wash, and a big mess in his crib. Daniel, it appears you are sick. Owen's got the same thing, but luckily I catch his before it's overflowing. So I didn't go to study group yesterday cause I didn't think I had it in me and I didn't they'd enjoy it. So we just chilled at home (I caught up on the blog big time, caught up September, and today I finished October! I'm not behind anymore!!)  So last night I put them both to bed pretty early for us - Daniel at 7:30, Owen at 9:30. This morning at 3:20 am I struggled to wake up and understand what was happening - Daniel was crying again. I make him a bottle, then I smelled the air as I went to give him the bottle... ugh. I felt around in the darkness - his pjs, gross, and then his bed. Yep, you need a bath. So he took a quick rinse in the tub, I threw all his bedding in the wash, wiped off his crib and put a towel down for him, then put him back to bed. Thankfully the towels there caught the 6 am blowout. That all made it harder to "rise and shine" this morning. I was late waking up the high school kids so they were a bit late. The day has kinda been dragging for all of us - evidenced by these two looking especially exhausted in the PBS kids tv chair...
Daniel didn't look very comfortable so I tried to move him. He doesn't do sleeping transfers and woke up. Natalie chastised me "Mom! You can't bug Daniel when he's sleeping!!" I know, sorry. I won't do it again.
So other than that wee hours of the morning interruption, things are good. Tomorrow I'm giving a little presentation for one of Wesley's classes on my career as a homemaker. Should be fun. I'm not really prepared, but I think I should be able to handle it without a poster or slide show presentation. Hopefully my 18 years of experience will allow me to handle 30 min of unscripted talking. I'm super lucky to be a stay at home mom. I love it and think it's the best. I love getting things done around here feeling productive and I also love days where we can take it easy and relax a bit more, like today.

Business wise, things are the same, aka the company and us both have no dinero. Good news is that having no money helps me not waste money! We cut our family expenses by a third during October! And I trust November will be even less, go team. I'm on a spending freeze and trying to use food storage and what we have with just a little bit of extra stuff. I try to point out to everyone that we're broke but they're kinda used to spending money they don't have. I guess I was too but they all do it more than I do. Mel saves money, Wes and Hyrum are savers. Joseph is normal. Eth and Corey are kinda spenders. Last time I went to Costco I should have renewed our membership but I said I didn't budget for it and had a look of panic on my face. I was at $197 and couldn't do more. So the lady was nice and paged a supervisor and let me checkout on a store account or something. They said to save my receipt cause it wasn't stored on our membership # and that it wouldn't go toward our cashback. I was okay with that. But now I can't go to Costco until we have $. Need to ask my neighbors if they can pick me up a few things on their next Costco run. The new consulting job Corey started on Oct 30 has a 4 week pay delay, so we should have $ again on Nov 27th. Of course then we'll be catching up on things like Nov rent and other bills that are waiting (we have nice landlords). Anyway... that's what's going on there ~ we're still waiting to be delivered, not waking the master asking him why he's sleeping, we're just letting him sleep and trying to not let the ship sink.

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