Wednesday, November 8, 2017

What's Important Now?

Hooray hooray, I just finished blogging September! AND I'm not behind at all for November yet, so that's another hooray I get. I only have like 6 posts to catch up on for October, so this is all very very good. I'm loving the courage challenge I started on October 2nd. I still have 3 more weeks of it, yay! I'm excited about the things that I've been learning over the past month. I have lots of notes I could search through for reference if I wanted to attempt to share them. I might even be able to put things in my own words or off the top of my head, cause hopefully I'm internalizing some of these things. I would recommend Holly's coaching to anyone (here's her facebook page, here is her website). As far as I can tell, I only signed up for this 7 week challenge. It cost $79. The reason why I signed up was mostly for the accountability aspect of it. Being accountable to others helped me a lot during the first facebook Healthy Habits challenge I did in the spring. And that was why I tried to host one again in the summer. So I was just looking for some help, and figured if this provided that, it would be worth the cost. And this challenge has helped me a ton, but not in the ways I originally hoped when I signed up (for exercise and diet). It's been just a life changing miracle. One of the lesson questions we had to answer was "If a miracle took place in your life during the night, when you woke up, how would you know?" I said my house would be clean, no clutter on floors, kids bedrooms clean. Well it's happened, and that is a miracle. It doesn't just stay that way without effort, but we work at it everyday and for at least a few moments every day, each room in our home is clean. :)

Holly's next challenge coming up in December is a "Jump for Joy" challenge for 21 days, I think that one is focusing on exercising. I couldn't find it online, but she mentioned it in one of her periscope videos. When I did the 7 week challenge, I didn't sign up for a monthly membership to the community, so I don't know if after this 7 weeks is over if I'm out and can't even log in? Or if I'm in but can't log into some sections or lessons or just not the current lesson/challenge? But, I know that before this Courage Challenge, she had a "Take Back Your Mornings" Challenge, and during this challenge I've been able to go look at those lessons and videos, SO - from what I'm guessing.... you don't have to join the community for $30 a month, just join the challenge in December and check it out and listen to the videos and see if it works for you!

And I've been watching myself and my life.... waiting to see if I'm going to fall back into the old ways or if this new way is really working. And I think it is! Cause (get this...) my bedroom and my bathroom have been consistently clean for the past 4 weeks. That, my friends, is huge. My "in the zone"-ness has been able to persist even following the interruptions cause by an outing to Moab, persisted even with a houseful of sick kids, and persisted though one of the most stressful weeks of my life (we still don't know how that's gonna end btw)... I was able to navigate my way through the past month and have cleaned my toilets each Tuesday morning! I planning and praying, I'm cleaning and blogging! I'm managing myself - something I've wanted to do for years but never really knew how. Here is the Daily "Journey Journal" that she uses. I used that for a few days to see what I used  and what I wanted to add - then over the weekend I typed up my own version here (that fits on one side of a sheet of paper).
So, there's my little shout out to Holly Rigsby to thank her for changing my life for the better, she's taught me how to take care of What's Important to me Now in my life - What's Important Now = WIN! I'm getting a lot of WINs in everyday, some big and some small, but each WIN helping me move forward closer to what is important to me.

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