Sunday, February 18, 2018

Anniversary Eve

We walked to church today cause the van is making bad sounds and I don't want to drive it anymore. The air was cool on the way there, but I just figured that would help me not break a sweat in my Sunday clothes. These were all the little people that were ready in time to walk, with time to spare.
The teenagers, as usual, were running late. Church was great, I subbed in the nursery. After church the kids took me into the Primary room so I could see the cute drawing that Natalie did.
Those are cute little people, Natalie! You're becoming quite the artist! That is really good for a 4 year old! Natalie was also excited to show us the snowman she made.
We started to walk home, but it was blowing crazy cold wind and the kids were freezing, luckily a neighbor offered to take them and I ran home with Daniel and Owen in the stroller. There's a storm blowing in! Time to hunker down for the night, it's nice that we have a holiday tomorrow. Tonight Corey and a few of the older kids got out Go For It - it's a family favorite.
I got this game in 6th grade for my birthday from Shannan Jackson. I didn't take it with me when on my mission or to college, nor did I take it or pack it away after we were married or through our various international moves... so I can only guess that it stayed at my parents house and they passed it on sometime in the past 5 years as they decluttered. The kids love it, it's been a fun game for them to play together. It was a special treat tonight for them to have Corey join in.
The game can get pretty intense.
While they played, I got some strawberry short cake ready for Sunday dessert, with a non-dairy vegan option for Hyrum and myself. I had a few thoughts of doing a fancy dinner or party for our anniversary (tomorrow) but the plans were mostly in my head and kinda vague. So we didn't do anything big tonight except for a strawberry shortcake dessert.
The little kids sat down and helped themselves to it without waiting for the older kids to finish their game.
We don't have anything planned tomorrow, and with the storm coming in maybe we won't get out at all. We need to get 4 wheel drive one of these years. I thought it would be fun to go up to the Blue Boar Inn for breakfast or lunch, we went there for our 1st anniversary. But the van is not working, the Fiesta is worthless in the snow, and Corey's car has been given to a friend to use for a while, so, we most likely don't have a way to get up there. It might just be a simple day at home. We'll see. We need Corey's business' ship to come in, we're struggling, he's spent, and I'm tired of it too. Just keep taking one day at a time.

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