Monday, February 19, 2018

19 Years of Us

Hey hey! It's that time of year again! Today Corey and I have been married for 19 years! Happy anniversary sweetheart! 19 years!?!? We're getting up there. And our anniversary is on the 19th, so I'm going to say that this is our Golden Anniversary, kinda like a golden birthday - 19 years on February 19th. I thought I'd share a picture of us for each year, but it appears for many/most years we don't have a picture of just us. There are a few pictures of mostly the two of us on vacation or snapshots before a trip to the hospital, but most pictures with both of us are usually a from a family photo session. So most of these pictures of "us" involve all the little people that have joined up with us over these past 19 years. Let us begin.... It started out simple enough with "just the two of us..." in 1999 
(I uploaded our wedding video to youtube last year) Young and in love. We were in school and were expecting right away. In Jan 2000 Joseph was born. Fall of 2000 - with little Joseph, expecting Melodie who was born in Dec 2000 - two kids in the same year!
Us with our two little friends in 2001
Fall of 2002, Ethan has joined us. Mel is fussy, Joseph and Ethan in twinner shirts.
Hey! A picture of just the two of us! On a trip to Washington DC when Corey was checking out business schools in 2003.
November 2003 - another little guy Hyrum joins the gang.
And another - baby Wes in 2005
Family pictures above, and we got pictures taken again with extended family a month later before we took off for an adventure when we moved to Virginia.
Feb 2006 - Corey and I on an anniversary/GMAT trip to Mexico.
We were only in Virginia for 9 months, then we moved to Brazil for 3 months in 2007 - at the Sao Paulo temple.
And Rio - still 2007
Back in the US, Abi was born shortly after we returned. In 2008 we were lucky to go on a cruise trip with Corey's family to Mexico. San Cabo beach -
2008 - Mel is baptized.
2009 - on the way to the hospital for baby 7.
September 2010 - just barely got family pictures in before we headed to Costa Rica.
And that was when I started blogging every week, it's a lot easier to find pictures of the past 8 years cause of the blog. When we got back from Chile in May 2011 -
Look! A nice photo of the two of us! This is the first picture we've had like this, which might be why it's one of my favorites, and also why it's one of the few photos on the wall in our bedroom.
Taken during our family photos in May 2012. Sophi's joined the gang, us and our 8 cute kids.
2013 - Trip to San Diego - us at the temple after doing baptisms with Joseph and Mel.
Family pictures 2014, Baby Natalie in the family, 9 kids!
Look, another picture of Corey and Me. This one isn't on our wall cause I wasn't quite happy with my weight yet. Eating plant based has helped me with that this past year.
2015 - Owen joins the family. We do have a photo like this after each birth.
I'm usually not feeling like I look my best in those pics - all swollen up after the epidural and being pumped full of fluids during labor and delivery, so those types of family photos don't make the wall but sometimes make the blog. So kids if you're ever looking, know that there should be a family photo on each of your birthdays. I also usually don't like to get pictures when I'm pregnant, but Owen and Daniel were so close that it had to be done. 5 months pregnant here in our family pictures of 2016, so not quite "just the two of us" with Daniel in utero.
And a picture of us from our photos last year in 2017 -
I'm glad that our love and friendship is still strong even with all the busyness and ups and downs of kids and life over the past 19 years. We're still in love, yay! Happy 19 years sweetheart, I love you! I'm so glad that our relationship is PERFECT!! (haha, see facebook song - 1:45)
I'm glad we still feel like newlyweds sometimes. ;)

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