Saturday, March 31, 2018

Family In Town

I have two sisters in town for General Conference this weekend! Camilla, from Indiana, arrived with most of her kids on Wednesday and they came over for a visit. It felt like a regular busy after school day with Wes having Little Big Band, I took him down for that, but before I left I was able to visit a little - The kids were cute all playing Blokus. Not playing the game, just making patterns and designs. Anybody else have that game?
I have FOUR sets of that game, 3 of which are incomplete because the children got to them and lost pieces. The fourth set of the game is hidden in my bedroom closet and kept under close surveillance so that none of those pieces get lost. I did get it out for Nate to use though. While they were visiting on Wed, Sophi lost another tooth.
We had planned for the cousins to all go do baptisms for the dead at the temple tonight, but Joseph ended up being the only one there to represent our family - Mel felt sick and bailed out, Ethan was asleep cause he had stayed up until 3 the night before finishing homework for the end of the term, Hyrum decided to go to the Jordan River Open House with Corey and the Young Men in our ward (and Abi)
(you can get your picture taken and have it emailed to you, fun) ...and I was with Wes and Little Big Band. Wes and I got home in time that he could have gone, but he was tired from a long day and preferred to stay home, so I let him. But Joseph had a good time, he was able to perform the baptisms, which is a fairly recent change the church has made, to let the youth perform the ordinances. So that was cool. My dad went and was witness for the ordinances and then took all his grandkids out for ice cream after.

So, that was a typical crazy busy run around Wednesday. On Thursday, the older kids were out of school but not much use around the house. In the afternoon, Abi and the little kids wanted to go do something, so we went to the park. Owen was cute going down the slide, Louie the Lion ever by his side.
Owen, going up for another slide ride, Daniel on the junior slide waiting for a bit of assistance. Natalie going under Abi's legs, on her way to help little D.
Camilla texted again that their oldest daughter was now in town and wanted to come see cousins, so I told her the address of the park we were at and soon they had joined us. After they came, the kids all had fun playing frisbee. Isn't Utah beautiful? Look at those mountains. It looks like something straight from the Sound of Music
Speaking of the Sound of Music, Camilla caught Natalie in this little Maria Von Trapp moment running down a small hill, cute
Yesterday (Friday) Graigry and Nate both slept over and we enjoyed seeing the family again when they brought them by. They stayed with us today as we listened to General Conference. Camilla had extra tickets and so Corey took some of the kids down for the session this morning - very cool that they were there for the Solemn Assembly, it will be a memory they will not forget! I'm sure Corey took some pictures there with the kids, will update with those later. Another sister, the final sister, Patrice, is also in town from Texas for Conference. So tonight was the big event - all the Hibbert ladies were getting together while the men were at Priesthood session. The kids dyed easter eggs...
and we listened in to the session - a big announcement that there is no more separate High Priests Group and Elder's Quorum
With two sisters living out of state this was a real treat to have all of us together, my mom and all my sisters! Group pic!
General Conference has been wonderful so far, we're excited to listen to more tomorrow!

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