Friday, March 30, 2018

Post Op

Joseph timed his wisdom tooth appointment really well. He was wiser than Mel by scheduling it after the term was over. It's also spring break for him now, so he has a few days without school to mend. With the bonus that he won't get behind on homework and doesn't have to be around friends with a swollen face. He went in for the extraction yesterday morning. Today at 10:45 he was done with the 24 hour evaluation or whatever and I picked him up. Poor guy, he looked a lot like Mel did a week ago.
But he seemed to be taking the unflattering look better than Mel did and came into the store with me and even went to the temple today. That pic is Joseph smiling by the way. It doesn't look like it cause his cheeks aren't working at the moment. And this is him smiling and blinking.
So we went to the store on the way home to get his prescriptions filled and while we waited for that we bought pudding, jello, and lots of ice cream. So this was really good timing on Joseph's part because the night before his appointment (Wednesday night) he was singing with the Skyline Madrigals for some famous people - it was a party celebrating Orrin Hatch's years of service - so Joseph and his friends got a pic with Orrin - 
And some other people that were at the party, like the Utah Governor and MITT ROMNEY! Isn't that fun! Joseph just hanging out at a party with his BFFs -
Mitt really would have been such a great President for this country. My worries and lamentation over his loss to Obama and Trumps election are not out of control right now. I don't worry about it. But I also haven't followed most of the new for over a year, except for a few things that might go viral on facebook or things that Corey tells me. And life goes on. After 8 years of Obama and a year of Trump and we are still united under the US flag, so that's good. 
Anyway, back to Joseph's teeth. He's doing good. My mother brought over pizza tonight for us and my sister and her kids that were hanging out at our house. Joseph decided to put a slice of pizza in the blender so he could partake of it's goodness, even with his inability to open his mouth wide or chew.
 It blended very well. Will it blend? Yes, pizza blends.
 Joseph was pretty excited and gets a bowl. His siblings are laughing and gagging at it. Hyrum, our vegan "Gross! Little Ceasars is already disgusting enough, but blending it?!?!" He opened the blender lid and shrugs off their comments as he matter of factly states - "Smells like pizza...." Mel laughed at Joseph's excitement.
Even Ethan was repulsed. That's just not right Joseph!
Getting the last of it out of the pitcher -

Moment of truth...
And he proclaimed it totally satisfactory, it was just what he was going for - pizza that he wouldn't have to chew. Day 1 of wisdom tooth post surgery done! Good job Joseph, looks like you're gonna make it through.

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