Sunday, April 1, 2018

General Conference

This weekend has been the 188th Annual General Conference for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. It's one of our favorite times of the year.
We had a good time listening yesterday with family. As I mentioned there, Corey and a few kids even were able to go to the conference center for the first session which was neat. Last night they said there is no more High Priest Quorum, and today even more announcements - no more home teaching or visiting teaching! What?!?!? President Nelson is shaking things up! How fun to belong to a living church! I've been the visiting teaching coordinator in our ward for years, so we'll see where this leaves me, but wow! Elder Holland's comments at the beginning of his talk cracked us all up.
I got our my camera to take a picture of the kids as they listened. Well, some of them...
We took turns snoozing and listening. 
Good good stuff today, I'm excited to listen to all the messages again. So today after the second session, all the family came over to our house for food and fun.
I didn't take pics of the socializing afterward, but my sis snapped some and shared them with me.
My mom and sisters were giving Ethan a hard time for hogging the watermelon. He held his own.
Kids and cousins eating at the table.
Soon we'd cleaned up and were playing spoons. That game can get pretty violent with Hibberts.
Spoons is not a tradition I've carried on, although I think it reached it's peak in our family after I'd left for college. But we had games that I remember, and I probably should pass those on a little bit. The kids do play Go For It, a game I got for my birthday from Shannan Jackson in 6th grade, I'm often amazed that it's still around my home after 30 years. We need more family games around here. I guess it's just hard to get a game going with all the little toddlers who like to come and participate. as remembered in a moment years ago when we tried to play Pictionary. Sophi's not the little one going after the dice anymore, but her younger siblings have happily filled that role.
Sophi was wearing this pink unicorn helmet all day, cracked me up. I loved unicorns as a kid, I bet I would have been wearing that helmet 24/7 myself if I'd had the chance. The love for unicorn tradition continues. It's been a fun weekend with family.

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