Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Build A Snowman

We woke up to a winter wonderland this morning! My mom sent a message to me and my siblings wishing us a Merry Christmas, ha, and then texted me personally saying "It's great snowman snow, really sticky. Make a snowman and send us a picture. Dad said we should make one to send to you kids, but he has meetings, so do it for us before everything melts" I thought that was a great idea, and I started to sing to Natalie "Do you want to build a snowman?" She took me up on it. I got her little brothers dressed and ready and we headed outside to get to work. It really was great snowman building snow! Just a few rolls along the grass and we had a huge ball.
Owen and Daniel were totally chowing down on the snow. Owen was going down the curb, grabbing an handful, eating it, then scooting himself to the right and doing it again, as if there was a buffet in front of him with a great variety of treats to sample.
Maybe that was what he saw in his imagination.
We were still early on in the building process when Sophi came home from kindergarten. 
Natalie headed inside with Sophi, Daniel and Owen stayed outside for a bit more, until they walked in the deep gutter water and soaked their boots. I pulled him out - 
He didn't like the new cold feeling on his feet.
I thought Sophi and Natalie would want to go back outside , but instead they wanted to stay inside after lunch. I put Daniel and Owen down for naps, and then was able to get Natalie to come out and help me finish. I got clippers and cut some awesome snowman arms. Natalie put in the carrot nose
Natalie!! That looks so great! That is the snowman, er.. snowkid, representing Natalie.
This is me as a snowmom, the soccer ball is the clue to let you know it's me. I showed Natalie how to take a picture of me - Not bad photo for a 4 year old.
I started to work on one more snowkid - Daniel. Soon, all three snowmen were finished. Just in time for the sun to come out and start melting everything!
The sun hid behind the clouds and Natalie came out again, she decided she wanted to put a few finishing touches on Daniel's face.
All done. 
An hour later I was heading out and noticed Natalie's snowman is starting to tip over! Just like the primary song - in the sun it melted, melted melted...
Me and my tired eyes after a long day! An accurate portrayal.
I was out taking Sophi to the dentist. Her 5th cavity in the past 12 months.
Good thing she's tough. Owen woke up from his nap right as I was leaving and cried to come with me. So he doesn't have shoes and I wasn't prepared with things to keep him busy for the next hour, hence the phone entertainment - selfies!
Say cheese!
Show your tongue!
Switching the camera mode to see Sophi getting drilled on.
Ethan and Hyrum destroyed the snowmen when they got home, their excuse "We thought Wesley and Lily made them!" Corey and the kids had a snowball fight.
Corey tried out the snowball sling shot we got the kids for Christmas.
Abi and Lily took cover on the porch while Corey and Wes tried to hit them.
"Nah-nah! You can't get me!"
Wes was like "Forget this, I'm going to come up for a closer shot!"
He hit her smack in the back of the head
It's been a fun snow day. Last of all, a few cute pictures of Daniel tonight.
We thought this was cute cause he was holding Owen's blanket and stuffed Lion Louie.
The kids were sure that Owen would freak out to see Daniel with his prized possessions. Don't orry Daniel, I'll vouch for ya, I know that you're just taking care of them until their Daddy comes back. It's a baby babysitting a stuffed toy.

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