Thursday, April 26, 2018

Sand & Dirt

Today we went over to our neighbor's yard again. It's the boys new favorite place. Playing in the swing, on the slide, and jumping on the trampoline...
But nothing can compete with the plain, raw, SAND & DIRT they discovered today
This was near the end of our afternoon in the neighbors yard, when it was time to come back home so I could try to prepare something for dinner. Yes, that was when the dirt in the construction area caught his attention.
Daniel couldn't think about food at a time like this, I mean look at this stuff! It's amazing!
You hold it, but you can't hold it, it falls through your fingers. You let it go, but it's still stuck on your hand! What is this magic? What can I get you distracted with so you'll get away from the dirt. I had an apple on hand, and Daniel ate that.
Owen wasn't coming either, so I called home to ask Abi to come and help me. Yay, here comes the cavalry.
Then I was able to leave Abi with them, go home and get dinner started. I left my phone with Abi so she could call me for help. Yay, now that mom was out of the way, they could get back to playing with the dirt! There was another pile of nice dirt away from the house construction and in the shade of the tree. They are definitely little boys.

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