Sunday, May 13, 2018

Mother's Day Moments

A funny moment from this morning - I had just gotten Owen and Daniel out of the tub. As I was trying to get Owen dressed, Daniel came over and got on top of him to give him a big hug.
It was cute, so I took a picture. They were jibber-jabbering something that I didn't understand, but they kept giggling and hugging. I thought it was an appropriate mother's day gift to me from these little boys - "Look Mom! Your children love each other!"
It was super cute so I started a quick video and then I got a pretty funny moment on camera.

In case you couldn't tell, the funny moment is around 33 seconds. They are pretty cute and funny little guys. At church Daniel and his little girl friend were holding hands again, he's just being affectionate to everyone today!
They're so cute!
After church, we went to Corey's brother's house for a Mother's Day bbq. I made some of this Purple Carrot Egg-less Salad (super delish!) and also brought some of these vegan sausages - Field Roast and Tofurky Italian sausage, both of which are very good and Hyrum and I quite enjoyed them. The kids played in their cousins' dress up clothes.
We have no idea what Natalie was, but she wore it with confidence.
Lily taught and then led the kids in singing "Mother Tell Me The Story" We had a good time visiting until reality brought us back - Wes heard from his cousin that he wasn't allowed to use non-Churchill people in his SBO skit for his campaign for Governor that is due tomorrow.... the video we recorded yesterday thus had 2 neighborhood kids who would/could disqualify him. Looks like he's gonna have to get up early and come up with a plan B!

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